Chapter 12 - Rae

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The next day was my last day of school at this school. My mom kept packing and watched Molly.

I walked to school like I usually did. When I got to school Claire met me at the door.

"I'm so excited to-" I started when Claire put her finger to my mouth.

"Rae, you can't tell anyone." She said, looking around.

"Why?" I asked, completely oblivious.

"They may follow us." She said, grabbing my hand and bringing me inside.

We sat through class and at the end of the day Mohinder drove Claire and me to my house.

Everyone met us there. My mom wasn't there and a random guy was talking to Molly.

"Hey, who are you?" I asked the guy, he looked familiar.

"I'm Matt Parkman." He answered.

Molly walked closer to me and looked up.

"Your mom is bringing stuff to the new place in Manchester." Molly said.

"Cool." I said. "Come on Molly." I said bringing her to my bedroom.

We took the final things downstairs and waited for my mom.

Peter walked in holding a few gym bags. He put them down then walked around like he was looking for someone. Then his eyes landed on me and he started walking towards me.

I grabbed Molly's hand and walked upstairs.

"Raelyn wait." Peter said, following me up the stairs.

I walked into my room and locked the door. I didn't feel like talking to him.

"Why don't you want to talk to him?" Molly asked innocently.

"It's complicated." I answered.

"I am over a decade old you know."Molly answered like she just learnt that word.

All of the sudden Peter appeared in my room and I jumped.

"I absorbed your mother's ability." He said simply.

"What do you want Peter." I asked.

"Who is that?" He asked me.

"Hi I'm Molly." Molly said, waving.

"I feel like I'm unwanted." She said. I called Claire up and she brought Molly downstairs.

"I wanted to sort thing out between us. We used to get along and now it's really awkward." Peter said.

"Well I randomly found out that my friend's uncle is my dad and that I have a dad... its obviously going to be awkward." I answered.

"Well I don't want it to be Rae." He said.

"Me either." I answered.

"Then why is it?"

"I don't know." I answered.

"So anyways... Peter, anyone special in your life?" I asked him, changing the subject.

He didn't answer but I could tell he did.


"Rae I know this is going to make things even more complicated but I'm-"

He was cut off by a knock at my door, it was my mom.

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