Chapter 8 - Peter

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I saw Peter, I guess he saw that powers were being used.

"Hey Peter." I said.

"Raelyn, what are you doing here?"

"Claire explained abilities to me, she explained what Sylar does." I said to him.


"Peter, what's my power? I made Sylar fly, Claire didn't heal around me, I know it's like yours but-" Peter cut me off.

"Wait, you know it's like mine? How do you know that?"

"You told me yesterday." I lied.

"You heard what I said to your mom didn't you?" He asked.

I nodded.


I didn't know what to say.

"What's my ability Peter?"

"I don't know Raelyn, but we'll figure it out okay?" He said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Talk about what Peter? I know how babies are made." I said.

"Raelyn, you know what I mean." He said.

 "I'm going to go home." I said.

"Raelyn, come on." He said.

I walked home.

"Hi sweetie! Did you have fun at your friends?"My mom said.

"It was okay, I'm just going to go up to my room, night." I started to walk up the stairs.

"Raelyn are you okay?"My mom asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied.

"Whose house did you go to? What did you do?"

"I went to Claire's and nothing, mom I'm going upstairs now. Good night."

"Don't you take that tone with me; I told you that you weren't allowed to hang out with her."

"You said I wasn't allowed to talk to Peter." I told her.

"Why can't I hang out with Peter?"

"Because he is a bad influence." My mom said.

"You saw him tonight didn't you?" She continued.

"I saw him while walking home from Claire's."

"How dare you sneak around behind my back and lie to me?" She said.

"Me being dishonest and sneaky? Okay mom." I said going up the stairs, she was being a hypocrite.

"What do you mean young lady?" She said, I ignored her.

I walked into my room, I locked the door and sat on my bed, I cried, I was frustrated and confused.

My mom knocked on the door but I ignored it, pretending I was sleeping. 

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