Chapter 5 - Sylar

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The next day I walked to school, I walked through an alley to avoid the garage the semi truck came out of.

I walked half way through the alley then realized that it was a dead end.

I turned around to see the man with the beard blocking my way.

"Hello Raelyn." He said, how did he know my name?

"What do you want?" I said.

"I think you know." He said, raising his hand again.

"Nope, I don't know." I told him, trying to move him out of the way so I could pass.

"Move please, I need to get to school." I said.

"Why isn't it working?" he said looking at his hands.

I heard a voice from behind me, it was Peter.

"Sylar." Peter said, jumping in front of me.

Sylar moved his hand to the side and Peter flew against the wall as if Sylar threw him.

"Raelyn run!" Peter told me.


"He's going to kill you."

Sylar put his hand up to me and this time, after seeing what he was doing to Peter; I lifted my hands in front of me to try and block whatever he was doing and he got repelled.

Peter dropped down because Sylar wasn't focusing on him anymore and got up.

"Was that me?" I asked, looking at my hands.

"Yeah I think so, let's go." Peter said.

"I have to go, I have school. Why are you here again? Are you following me?" I said.

"I have a new ability. It shows me where powers are being used. There was power here and I wanted to see who was doing it. We need to go; Sylar is going to come back. Let's go. I am going to fly okay? Grab my hand." Peter said.

"What do you mean by ability?"

I grabbed Peter's hand and he jumped.

"Peter, what do you mean by ability's, what do you mean by flying? Are you on drugs?"

"I don't understand what's going on." He said. He let go of my hand and flew up.

"How are you flying Peter?" I asked him.

He reached down for my hand but when I grabbed it, he dropped and couldn't fly.

"I don't understand? How did you fly?" I asked.

"I'll explain later, let's go to school and get Claire." He said, heading towards the school.

"Peter! Listen to me, I can't keep missing school, I can't keep hanging out with you my mom doesn't want me to, I can't not know what's going on all the time and keep going on pretending everything's normal." I said.

"Why doesn't your mom want you hanging out with me?"

"Did you listen to anything I said besides that? She doesn't want me hanging out with older guys or something." I told him.

Peter went to say something then he hesitated.

"What?" I asked him.

"Who's your dad Raelyn?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I'm going to school, goodbye and thanks." I left to school.

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