Chapter 11 - Molly

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The next day, I walked back from school, as always and saw a young girl about 7 year's old sitting in a tree.

"What are you doing up there?" I asked her approaching the tree.

She didn't respond, she looked at me with fear. I climbed the tree and sat next to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. "What's your name?"

"There's a familiar man, he's chasing me. Molly." She said, in between sniffles.

"Do you want to come with me? I'll bring you home."

"I don't have a home. Not a good one anyway. The man killed-"She stopped, and started to cry. I assumed the man killed her family, and I assumed the man was Sylar.

"I'll take you home with me? Come on, staying in this tree isn't safe either." I told her. I got down from the tree and she followed. I grabbed her hand and walked home.

I walked into my house and brought Molly upstairs.

I called my mom with the house phone because mine had been thrown out a window.

"Mom, we have another girl coming with us." I started; my mom was fine with it.

"So Molly, do you have an ability?" I asked, if Sylar was after her she must have an ability, maybe she didn't know yet.

"Wait, you have an ability? I can find people just by thinking about them."

"I don't know exactly what mine is yet." I told her, sounding pretty pathetic.

"Oh." She said.

"I have to pack because I'm moving in a few days. You can help if you want?" I told her, she nodded and we started to pack.

"So, Molly, how old are you?" I asked her after a few minutes of packing.

"I'm 11. You?" She asked.

"I'm 15." I said, taking my shirts off their hangers and folding them.

"What is your favorite color?" I asked her, taking my last shirt and folding it.

"Purple." She said.

"Mines red." I told her, pointing to my sweater.

I put all of my shirts in a suitcase then put all of my socks and underwear in it too.

Molly was putting all of the hangers in a box.

"Want to listen to some music?" I asked her after a few minutes of silence. She nodded.

I put my IPod on shuffle. The first song that came on was Dreaming Alone by Against the Current. It was my favorite song.

We finished packing everything except for my furniture and went downstairs for dinner.

There were BLT's for dinner.

I took the tomatoes off of mine and so did Molly.

We ate our dinner then watched 13 going on 30. When the movie was done Molly followed me upstairs and we went to sleep.

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