Chapter 3 - What's Happening

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The next morning while I was walking to school I saw someone behind me, he had dark brown hair and eyes and he had a beard.

I looked at him and he smirked, he was on the other side of the street from me, he lifted his arms, he looked at his arms confused, shook them around a bit then put them back up towards me.

I ran to school because I was scared he was going to try to kidnap me. I was about a block away from school and I saw the Pierce guy, did he see that?

I walked into the school. I got to my locker and grabbed my phone; I put it in my pocket and turned around to see Claire.

"Hey day buddy." She said.

"Hello." I answered.

"What's up? You seem confused or something." Claire said, inspecting my face.

"Well yesterday when I was walking back from school I was almost hit by a semi-truck, but this guy, named Pierce or something saved me." I told her.

"And today when I was walking to school there was this other guy; I don't know his name, but he had a dark brown beard and head of hair, and brown eyes too. Anyways he lifted his hands at me and looked confused. Then the Pierce guy showed up later a block away from the school and looked at me, I think he knew the other guy." I told her.

"Sylar." Claire whispered looking scared and confused.

"Pardon? What's a Sylar?" I asked her.

"We have to get out of here. Follow me." Claire said.

"We have class." I answered.

"Follow me." She said again. She grabbed my hand and headed to class.

"Professor Suresh, can I speak with you." Claire said, did she know him before school?

Professor S. came out of the class closing the door.

"Yes Claire."

"Raelyn saw Sylar. We need to go." Claire said.

"Okay. Be careful Claire, call Nathan and the others tell them, Stay with your father." He said he walked back into class giving Claire keys and a phone. Why couldn't she use her phone? What is going on?

We got into the car and Claire started making phone calls.

"Nathan, Sylar's in town. Be careful, he's looking for Raelyn. I think he has a new ability. Anyways I have to call the others. Meet us at my house." She said hanging up the phone.

She went on calling about five more people.

"Claire what is going on?" I asked her.

"You could get arrested; you're not allowed to drive yet!" I told her.

"I'll tell you when we get to my house."

"You said someone was looking for me?" I asked her.

"Yes but technically he already found you." Claire said.

"I'm going to call my mom." I told her, pulling my phone out.

"No!" She yelled grabbing my phone.

"He might be able to track your phone." Claire said grabbing my phone and resetting it, she then threw it out the window.

"Claire that was my phone!"

"I'm sorry I had to, I will explain everything to you soon don't worry." Claire said.

"What about my mom?" I asked.

"She thinks you're at school, we'll call her when we know we're safe okay? Everything is going to be fine."

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