17. Roseanne and Avocados

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Chaeyoung was 10 when she decided that she hated avocados, it was a strange thing she didn't understand to why people ate it.

The girl was sitting with Jisoo as they were eating lunch together, the two sat on one of the benches in the hallways as other kids would go play in the playground. Setting her food down, she listens to Jisoo who was ranting about winning against the boys in Pokemon.

Jisoo happily gloats dusting off imaginary dust from her shoulder, she flashed her friend a smile before grabbing an apple from her lunch tray.

"Did you win anything?" Chaeyoung asked as Jisoo excitedly nods.

The brunette pulled out her wallet and pulled out a shiny card that looked special, Chaeyoung didn't know the game or anything about it but she did know that it was worth something.

"Losers got scammed." Jisoo placed it back in her wallet, "they complained after I won."

"Of course they did."

"What about you?" Jisoo asked, "anything special?"

"Chu, we share the same classes together." Chaeyoung reminds her.

"Yeah, but I still want to hear about it." Jisoo says as she tossed the apple in the air and catches it.

"Well, the girls have been talking about boys and how handsome they are." Chaeyoung shrugged, "they don't look interesting."


Chaeyoung grabbed her chicken salad and opened the box, she immediately frowns upon the sight of the ungodly amount of avocados resting upon her lunch.

"Everything okay?" Jisoo immediately noticing the girls changed expression.

"There's avocados..."

"I can see that." Jisoo chuckled.

"No, there's avocados. I hate avocados." Chaeyoung frowns at her friend causing the brunette to stare at her surprised.

"Oh, then...I'll take them." Jisoo says.

"You would?"

"Yeah, I like avocados!" Jisoo smiles, "they're pretty good." She reached over for the box.

"They aren't. It's weird." Chaeyoung made a disgusted face, "it's mushy and oily."

"Well, if we're being honest- I don't like mangos."


"They're too sweet."

"How do you not like them?! They're delicious!"

"You like mangos and I just don't." Jisoo simply says as she scooped the avocado pieces onto her sandwich.

"Now you're insane."

"I know."

"Mangos are delicious and sweet unlike those things."

"We both complement each other then." Jisoo jokes, "I don't like mangos, you do."

"I don't like avocados but you like them." Chaeyoung adds in.

"There we go." Jisoo handed the girl the box back, "all better now."

"Thanks Chu."

"Anytime, just say the word and I'll get rid of any avocados for you."

It seemed like Jisoo kept her word, because even though they still remained friends, girlfriends, and soon eventually got married. Chaeyoung never once ate an avocado.

The couple sat besides each other as they shared a meal together, cameras watched as Chaeyoung opened her salad box and frowns in disappointment. Jisoo took notice and immediately used her fork to pick out the avocado pieces, the media freaked out over the gesture and they made headlines for no reason. Jisoo was just doing her job.

"Thanks Chu." Chaeyoung says to her wife, who nods in response.

Love was just simple gestures, remembrance of certain things that just happens out of habit. Like Jisoo taking the avocados out of her wife's salad or Chaeyoung eating the mango pieces in wife's fruit salad.

It was just habits they've accumulated in their youth, ones that made them feel loved knowing they still remembered the habits another had.

It was their way of love.

No matter how many avocados Jisoo had to eat,
No matter how Chaeyoung had to eat mangos left and right,
No matter how many times... It was those 10 year olds that made them remember.

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