13. Chicken eating contest

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Jisoo loves chicken.

The young girl would always tell her parents if they could have it for dinner, but with the "harshness" of her mother- Jisoo wasn't able to have it all the time. But when she had it, the brunette would go crazy. She looked forward to chicken Thursdays at school or when her dad would update her on their dinner plan out.

"Hey! Did you guys hear about the new chicken place opening around the corner?"

Lisa had asked as she walked with Chaeyoung, Jennie, and Jisoo to school. The other three looked at her with confusion in their eyes,

"There's a new chicken place?" Jennie asked.

"Yeah! Look!" Lisa reached into her coat and pulled out the flyer, she handed it over to Chaeyoung.

"A chicken-eating contest? The winner gets unlimited free chicken!" Chaeyoung reads, "Who would even participate?"

"Unlimited?" Jisoo questions, "Hey when's this?"

"It's today! Should we go see?" Jennie asked.

"Yeah! We can see how much a person can eat chicken." Lisa says, "I bet 20 pieces!"

"I can't even eat 3," Chaeyoung says, she handed Jisoo the flyer before looking over at Lisa.

"A bet of this is stupid."

"Afraid to lose?" Lisa smirked.

"No." Chaeyoung scoffs, "An eating contest is stupid."

"Whatever, we're still going."

During school, Jisoo was in her world. She sat there in silence as she could hear Chaeyoung talking to Jennie during their break, the girl was eating some cookies that looked delicious.

"Want some?" Chaeyoung turns and asked, she held the pack out for her.

"No thanks." Jisoo shakes her head, she rests her head against the desk trying to get some sleep.

"Are you sure? Normally you would eat during the break." Chaeyoung knew her and Jisoo knew that.

"On a diet?" Jisoo tried.

"We both know you aren't," Chaeyoung says.

"Fine, just not hungry. I didn't get much sleep." Total Lie! She slept for 9 hours!

"Oh, then sleep well. I'll wake you until the break is over." Chaeyoung smiled before turning back to Jennie.

Throughout the whole day, it was a headache. Due to hunger, Jisoo was slowing down throughout the day. Lisa was telling them about the chicken place as they were walking out of the school grounds, it was torture. Chaeyoung held Jisoo's hand as they walked out, the blonde talked to Jisoo about the contest seeing where the older girl stood.

"Chu? Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yeah, just tired," Jisoo replied, she didn't want to tell the girl she didn't eat all day.

"Guys! Come on!"

Lisa ushered them over seeing that many people were crowded in the place, the four managed to get inside as an old lady held a sign-in sheet.

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