Chapter 21

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Deirys comes back! She gives the Dornish and her family a shock when she reveals who the traitors are. Deirys will not have a lot of time with Aemond in this chapter. There is a small encounter between Anari and Lord Corlys. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                            Deirys Targaryen (17 years old

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                                            Deirys Targaryen (17 years old.)

Deirys smiled at Qoren Martell, she had to admit he was more handsome than she had been told. The Dornish prince looked shocked, he had not been expecting her arrival. For the past four years, Deirys had been traveling all over the free cities looking for the slave masters that had escaped Astapor. She had been told of the old masters plotting to have her killed and attempt to take back control of Astapor. She would have left them alone if they had kept quiet and not caused any trouble, but she could not let them live to plan her and her family's demise at a later date. So she had tracked them all down and after confirming the plots she heard about were true, she had them executed. She then had helped Princess Alandria take over Dorne, while her father had been fighting in the Stepstones. It had been easier than she thought since the entire army had been taken to the Stepstones. During the first two and a half years, some of the forces had remained to protect Dorne, but after the losses caused by Deirys's father and uncle, Qoren had to call the remaining forces in Dorne to assist him. Deirys had obtained all the names of the Dornish lords that were loyal to Qoren and had helped him in the plot to get rid of his two older children. They agreed to help Quoren and his younger daughter in exchange for more power and a rise in their status. She had sent four faceless men to kill the Lords, after that she and Alandria had made sure the people in Dorne found out about what their prince had done. Once Alandria was secure in her new throne, Deirys traveled and visited the Triarchy Lords, she had killed the first two Lords and made sure the others knew what would happen if they attempted to get a message to Qoren of what had happened in Dorne.

The remaining Triarchy lords had told her of Qoren's plan to kill her family. They had also given her proof of some of the traitors in her grandsire's court. Deirys had immediately returned to Dorne where she had left the Unsullied to help Alandria secure the city and sent them to Driftmark. She had Irran, formally named Black Rat, come up with a strategy to take over Driftamrk without getting her family or the other lords killed. She had made Irran general of the unsullied. He was not just a good warrior, but a brilliant military mind, he was also undoubtedly loyal to her. The unsullied had positioned themselves once they arrived at Driftmark, she had Vermithor resting on the opposite side of the island, which could not be seen from this balcony. The Unsullied were hidden and ready to act at her command. She had twenty of them, plus her four knights with her. Once Anari introduced her, she made sure her friend was out of the way. She did not want her to get hurt or killed. She recognized Princess Coryanne Martell, she had the same olive skin and dark eyes as her sister, but she was taller than Alandria. One thing Deirys could also see was how bitter Coryanne was, she had this harsh look on her face, it was the same look the queen had when someone praised her mother in front of her.

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