Chapter 14

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We see Anari again in this chapter and a character from the book and TV show makes an appearance. We will also see Deirys make some important decisions and dabble in a bit of magic. We get a small look into Anari's mind. We also get a bit of smut, I'm still working on bettering that part of my writing. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. ❤️

"Enter" Ser Erryk opened the door and bowed. "What is it?"

"I apologize for bothering you this late princess." Deirys nodded and rested the book on her lap. "There is a girl here asking to see you. She has said it is very important she speaks with you. She had this with her."

"Have her brought to me." Deirys took the necklace from his hand. It had been a sennight since Deirys had met Anari, she had not expected to see her again so soon. A few minutes later, Ser Erryk, walked in with Anari. "Thank you, Ser Erryk. You may leave us."

The knight bowed once more and closed the door behind him. Deirys closed her book and set it on the table.

"I'm happy to see you. Come, sit with me." Deirys gestured to the chair across from her and waited until Anari had sat. She grabbed the plate one of the maids had brought for her and set her in front of the other girl. She had not been hungry and the food remained untouched. By the way Anari was looking at the plate, Deirys could tell it had been a long while since she had seen so much bread, cheese, and ham. Deirys gestured to the plate. "Eat. I did not expect to see you so soon."

"I'm sorry to bother you princess, but I thought it was important to come see you." Anari chewed a piece of bread and took a drink of water. "Since you last visited the caretakers at the orphanage had me start attending the teaching house. I was making my way to the orphanage the other night and I saw one of the maesters talking to a dark-haired female. She works at one of the pleasure houses on the street of Silk. I have seen her around before. The maester gave her something in a small vial."

"Could you tell what it was?"

"No, but it looked very suspicious, which is why I followed her."

"I knew there was a reason I liked you." Deirys gave her a smile, which the girl mirrored. "Were you able to see what she was doing?"

"Yes. She met with one of the soldiers that helps guard the dragon pit."

"The dragon pit?" Deirys sat up straight, frowning. She knew why men went to whores, she had heard about her Uncle Aegon's escapades enough times, but surely they would at least do it at a pleasure house instead of the streets. "Why would she want to get into the dragon pit?"

"I do not believe that is what she wanted. She gave him the vial and some coins. I did not see exactly how much coin, but the man then hurried into the dragon pit. I was able to sneak in. I'm small and it was easy to sneak past the guards. He poured the liquid over the dragon's eggs. I just do not know why."

"Thank you. I am very appreciative of the information you have provided." Deirys knew what had happened. They were poisoning the eggs, and that was why the eggs were not hatching. When Deirys picked Visenya's egg she had been certain the egg would hatch. She could feel it. After a year the egg started to lose its warmth and it had turned to stone. Now she knew why, there were people conspiring against her family and their dragons. They would not attack the large dragons for fear of dying, which is why they attacked the eggs. Deirys looked at Anari. "What are your plans Anari?"

"What do you mean?"

"What is it that you want to do from now on? Do you have any plans for your future?" Anari still looked a bit confused. "What is it that you want to do?"

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