Chapter 17

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There is a council meeting where a request Daemon and Rhaenyra don't like is made. Daemon also makes some threats against Aemond's life, nothing unusual 😜. We also find out what Alicent has planned for Aemond and what Aemond thinks about it. Rhaenyra tries to find a way to get Aemond out of Alicent's plans. We also get a moment between Rhaenyra and Aegon. She makes some decisions and finds out something about Aegon she was not aware of, which makes her reflect on a few things. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. ❤️ 🥰

Daemon glared at all the idiots in the small council and had to resist the urge to unsheathe Dark Sister and cut off their heads. His wife always told him that cutting heads might feel satisfying during the moment, but the aftermath was always a mess. Right now, Daemon was sure all the problems cutting their heads would bring would be worth it. Viserys sat at the head of the table, staring at all the Lords, not saying anything. The room was quiet and now the Lords were looking at each other nervously. Alicent's had a triumphant look on her face.
"Let me make sure I understand." Viserys put both hands on top of the table, looking around the room. "You want me to remove my granddaughter from the line of succession?"
"No necessarily, your grace." Otto cleared his throat. "We are just recommending that Princess Deirys should be placed in line behind her brothers. I believe the people would feel better if Prince Rhaegon took the throne after Princess Rhaenyra."
"And tell me, Lord Hand." Rhaenyra shot the man a hard look. "What message would I send to the kingdom if I remove my firstborn from the line of succession just because of her sex? I am the first princess to keep my place in the line of succession despite the fact that I have two younger brothers. How would I explain keeping my place as heir to the throne while taking my daughter's away."
"Your grace, this has nothi...." Otto jumped when Rhaenyra slammed her hand on the table.
"You will answer me." She did not yell, but her voice was firm. "I was the one to ask you the question."
"Of course, princess." Daemon could see the hate in Otto's eyes. "I was just stating that it has nothing to do with the princess's sex. It has more to do with what happened at the feast celebrating the victory on the Stepstones and the fact that the princess has not been seen in the past two moons. Everyone in the city is already aware that the princess left for the free cities."
"Why does that affect her status as heir?" Daemon tilted his head to the side and smirked. He was guiding this worthless worm into a trap, he just needed to see if he would bite. "She is a princess of the seven kingdoms. She is free to go wherever she pleases."
"Of course, my prince" This time it was the maester, that little worm, who decided to throw himself in the fire. "If she were a man it would not matter, but she is a lady, a princess. There is always her reputation to be considered."
"What exactly are you insinuating maester?" Daemon watched the old man swallow at the tone is Aemond's voice. His nephew looked like was about to jump across the table. "Are you calling my niece a whore?"
"Of course not, my prince." The man looked like he was about to collapse. He was looking at the others in the room for help, but no one volunteered. "I was just stating a fact, ladies' reputations are easier to destroy, and the princess.."
"Maester?" Aemond's voice was so soft that all the Lords present swallowed and looked around nervously, including Otto. "Shut up, before I am forced to go over there and shut you up."
"I believe we are all getting off topic." Alicent gave Viserys a sweet smile. "The princess had an episode during the feast. She was unconscious for a day. The servants spread how she woke up screaming and then she left only four days later. The people want someone who can rule this kingdom with strength, who will not have fits of hysteria."
"She was not well, but after a day she was healthy once more. She woke up screaming because she had a nightmare, something very common I'm told." Aemond smiled at his mother and Daemon had to hide his smile behind his cup. "I seem to remember three years past, Aegon was sick for over a moon. The maesters did not know if he was going to survive. Then there is all the talk around the city of the prince's proclivities and his issues with wine. Should we also remove him from the line of succession?"
Alicent's eyes widened and Otto cleared his throat. Daemon smiled nastily at them. He might want to have Caraxes eat his nephew every time he thought about him and his daughter, but he had to admit Aemond was fierce when it came to defending Deirys. All the lords present looked at each other, then down at the table. Daemon had been given a position in the small council as Master of War. Viserys had created the position during the last conflict in the Stepstones. Rhaenyra had convinced Viserys that Aemond was the best option for Master of Laws. The young prince had been performing very well in his new duties. He had already changed several laws that had been outdated or that simply did not work anymore. Now the small council was split in half, and Alicent hated that she could not tell for sure which side her son was on. Aemond would defend his mother's family, but that would immediately stop when the issue became Deirys.
"My granddaughter will be queen in the future." Viserys glared at everyone present. "Her title as heir will not be removed, if anyone has an issue with this then they can tell me now and I can remove them from their positions." No one said anything. Daemon knew his brother would not agree to remove Deirys as the heir, she was blessed by the Gods and Viserys thought that was the most important thing. "Good, you are all dismissed. I need to speak with my children and my brother."
Everyone bowed and left the room quietly, Alicent glared at them before walking out of the room. Once the door closed Viserys let out a sigh.
"I do not know what happen, but I still believe Deirys should return to Kings Landing." They had not told Viserys about Deirys's vision or why she had been asked to travel to Braavos. The only ones that knew the truth were Daemon, Rhaenyra, and Aemond. "I do not understand why she left. What were you thinking in allowing this insanity?"
"It was a command from the Gods, we could not disagree." Rhaenyra let out a sigh. "Our daughter had a vision during the feast, that is why she was asleep for so many hours. Once she awoke she told us that the Gods had commanded her to travel to Braavos, it was made very clear that she had to do this on her own. We cannot intervene."
"Why did no one tell me?" Daemon rolled his eyes. What Rhaenyra had said was partially true, but the Gods had not commanded his daughter to go, they had simply shown her what would happen if she did not. Daemon and Rhaenyra had agreed it was best Viserys did not know the entire truth. "That is an important fact to omit."
"We were protecting her." Daemon's voice was strong. He would not allow his daughter's life to be put in danger if any of their enemies found out about her connection to the Gods. "You know that the only religion allowed in the seven kingdoms is that of the seven. How do you think people would react if they discovered Deirys has a direct connection to the gods? We will not put our daughter's life in danger to calm the council's mind. We are her parent and we decided where she can go, that is all they need to know."
Daemon did not give his brother a chance to say anything. He walked out of the room before losing his temper. He was walking towards his chambers when he saw Alicent and Larys Strong whispering furiously to each other. They seemed to be having some kind of argument. Larys saw him first and bowed before walking away. Alicent did not even acknowledge him before walking to her chambers. He hated those two, he knew they were planning something, he just needed to find out what.
"My prince." Ser Harrold Westerling walked towards Daemon and bowed. "This has come for you."
"Thank you, Ser." The knight handed him the message and bowed before leaving him alone.
Daemon waited until he was in his and Rhaenyra's chambers before opening the letter. It was not very long and he recognized the handwriting immediately.

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