Chapter 23

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Aemond and Deirys have another moment, a little more heated than the last one. Deirys knows how to push his buttons and he is not very level headed when it comes to her. Deirys also discovers something about her sister Visenya and decides to give her a little help. Another character will be introduced in this chapter. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                     Deirys Targaryen (17 years old

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                                     Deirys Targaryen (17 years old. Dressed as a peasant.)


Deirys looked at the small building in front of her, it looked much better than she thought it would. This was one of the buildings that belonged to her mother. She knew that her mother had done several renovations since she bought the building a few years back. She also had the outside of it painted. Deirys saw the guards standing by the front doors, they were also part of her mother's improvements. All of the pleasure houses belonging to her mother had guards. They were in charge of the safety of all the workers. Deirys pulled the hood of her peasant cloak lower on her head, making sure her hair was covered. The last thing she needed was for her parents and grandsire to find out she had been here. Not that her father or mother could say much about it. Everyone knew her father had taken her mother to a pleasure house when she was young, and due to that her grandsire had no other option, but to annul her father's first marriage and marry him to her mother.

Deirys made her way into the building, people were drinking and laughing. Some of them had almost naked women sitting on their laps. There were women dancing around the room in very little clothing. She had never been inside a pleasure house before. She was not stupid, she knew exactly what happened here, but she had never seen it with her own eyes. She moved closer to the woman serving drinks and looked around. She was looking for a specific person, and she found her closer to the stairs. Deirys signaled without other people noticing and waited until the woman acknowledge her. Once she was sure the woman had seen her she followed her up the stairs and into a small room. There was a small bed pushed against the far side of the wall. The room was clean and organized. Deirys closed the door and lowered her hood.

"Your grace." Deirys gave her a small nod and the girl reached for a small wooden box, hidden behind a wooden panel, took out some letters, and handed them to her. "Here are the messages that came in the past three days. The spies in the Citadel have started gathering the information you asked for. They will send it as soon as they can."

"Good. Have we heard anything from Lord Bourney?"

"The Lord has plans to meet with Jason Lannister in nine days. They will meet at one of the minor houses in the Westerlands. Lord Lannister plans to travel to Braavos after the meeting. He will be meeting with the iron bank."

"Thank you, Sirala." Deirys pulled out a small pouch filled with silver coins and handed it to the woman. She nodded her head in thanks. "I am thankful for all your help."

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