Chapter 2

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This chapter will explain how Aemond lost his eye. Is not a super exciting event. I just needed a way to explain how he lost his eye since in this story Lucerys doesn't exist. Also in this story Laena Velaryon is 9 years older than Rhaenyra. In this story Alicent will be 10 years older than Rhaenyra and married Viserys at age 14. The age gap between Daemon and Rhaenyra is the same as the books. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like this chapter. ❤️ 💝 🤩

"Your grace" Rhaenyra bowed and smiled at her father. Her smile left her face when she looked at her stepmother. Her bow was less deep this time and her voice held no warmth "Your grace."

"Daughter, brother. Is good to see you both after so long" Her father looked pale and sickly, but not as bad as she thought from the rumors she heard. He kept looking at Deirys "My granddaughter looks more beautiful every day. She has grown so much. I brought her some gifts for her name day."

"I'm sure she'll love them all" Rhaenyra guided them all to the table. Once they were all sitting down. One of the servants served wine. Rhaenyra smiled at her father once more before looking at her siblings. "You have all gotten so tall since I last saw you. Helaena, are you happy with your betrothal?"

"Of course she is happy. She is marrying her older brother and he would take care of her. There is no reason for her to be unhappy"

"I believe I was asking my sister how she felt" She tried to be civil with Alicent for her father's sake, but sometimes she wanted to feed her to Syrax. Rhaenyra was aware that she shared some of the blame for not being close to her siblings. But Alicent had not helped. She had made it almost impossible for them to have any kind of relationship. "You don't always have to answer for them. I believe they are old enough to speak their minds."

"I don't want their words to be misinterpreted" Alicent glared at her and her hand tightened around her cup "After all if they do something you don't agree with one of them might lose another eye."

"Alicent, that's enough" Rhaenyra loved her father, even with all the mistakes he had made, he had always done his best with her. But she was aware her father was a weak man. Which is why she was shocked he had just yelled at his wife in front of all of them. "You both need to keep a civil tongue, especially in front of the children."

"I believe your wife is the one that should hold her tongue. After all, she is the one that has been spreading rumors about how my wife is to blame for what happened to her son" Daemon was not going to allow anyone to speak down to his wife. Especially not some second son's daughter, who had reached far above her station. "You might want to look at why your son's sworn shield failed to protect him instead of casting the blame on someone else."

"It was one of your supporters who maimed my son" Alicent stood up and slammed her hands on the table "You are all so scared the people love my son, but I never thought you would resort to kinslaying."

"Alicent!" This time it was her father who slammed his hands down. "I believe you should retire. You are tired from the trip. You shall be more agreeable after some rest."

Viserys waved one of the servants forward and Rhaenyra nodded, making sure they knew to take her stepmother to the chambers that had been prepared for her. Once the queen was gone Rhaenyra looked at her siblings once more. Aegon looked to be into his cups already, almost falling asleep at the table. Helaena looked lost in her thoughts and Aemond was looking only at Deirys.

In a way, Rhaenyra felt bad for what had happened to her brother. She was aware that it was not her fault, not really. But Otto Hightower had made many enemies since becoming the hand of the king. He only looked out for himself instead of the realm. After Otto had killed one of Lord Walys Mooton's brothers, Ser Florian Greysteel, had taken it upon himself to seek justice for his lord and friend. Otto had taken my things from house Mooton, but the death of Jonah had pushed the old knight over the edge. Rhaenyra had just given birth a few days before when Ser Greysteel had snuck into Kings Landings undetected. No one knew what his actual plans were, but when he saw Aemond at the dragon pit he decided to take his revenge using the small prince. Aemond was leaving the dragon pit when the knight attacked him. Aemond had been able to get away and injured the knight, but it had cost him his eye. After stabbing the old knight in the side, the man slashed at Aemond's face with his blade, taking his eye. The kingsguard present had heard the commotion and had been able to stop the knight from killing the prince. Unfortunately, they had killed Ser Greysteel before he could be taken to the king for questioning.

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