Chapter 27

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This chapter will have a small talk between Aemond, Daemon and Rhaenyra. Emotional talk between Daemon and Deirys. Daemon loves his daughters. Aemond decides to let people know he and Deirys are going to marry. We will also get a small glimpse into Alicent's mind. Is not a pleasant place, so be warned. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Aemond walked into his sister's chambers, looking around until he saw her sitting with his uncle. They were already dressed and ready for the tourney. Aemond had attempted to talk to his father, but the king was refusing to see anyone at this time, he would not be attending the tourney. Aemond had wanted to force his way into his father's chambers but knew that at this time his father would not listen to anything he had to say. That would not stop him, he needed to make sure his plans were in place before the feast. That was why he decided to finally speak with his sister and uncle. Rhaenyra looked at him and smiled, while Daemon frowned.
"I am sorry for intruding, but I need to speak with you." Rhaenyra put the plate of fruit down and gave him all her attention. Daemon did not seem to be bothered by what he had to say and popped a grape in his mouth. "I would like your permission to wed Deirys.
Rhaenyra's eyes widened in surprise, but she did not look upset. Daemon choked on the grape and started coughing. Rhaenyra immediately started slapping his back and Aemond just smiled, maybe he should have waited until his uncle swallowed the fruit, but he could not deny he found the whole thing amusing. Once his uncle was able to catch his breath, he glared at him.
"You want to wed my daughter?" Daemon stood up and moved closer to him. "What makes you think you are worthy of her?"
"I know I am not." That seemed to stop his uncle in his tracks. "But I love her, no one will ever love her as I do."
"What makes you think she wants the same thing?" Daemon looked at him from head to toe. "She will inherit the seven kingdoms, you are nothing more than a fourth son, what do you have to offer her?"
"The same thing you had to offer my sister." Aemond closed in on his uncle, until they were toe to toe, staring into each other's eyes. "You were nothing but a second son, you inherited nothing, you were forced to marry a woman you hated. What did you have to offer my sister? Nothing. If it had not been because of you taking her to that pleasure house, my father would have never allowed you to marry her. I am the son of a king."
"You little cun...." Aemond could see the fury in his uncle's eyes, but he refused to back down.
"Daemon, Aemond! This is not the way. Daemon, we should ask Deirys what she wants before any decisions are made." Rhaenyra stepped between both of them and looked at him. "Aemond, I know that you and Deirys always had a special connection and I love you, you are my little brother, but I will not make any decisions about my daughter's future without her. Daemon and I always promised her that she would be free to marry whoever she chose. I will not do what my father did and try to force something on her."
Rhaenyra called for Ser Luthor and send for Deirys. Aemond had no fear of what his niece would say, she loved him, just like he loved her. Daemon would not stop glaring at him. Once Deirys walked in she looked between them, picking up the tension in the room. She moved closer to him and interlocked their fingers, he saw Daemon's face hardened.
"Deirys, your uncle has come to us and asked for our permission to wed you." His sister smiled gently. "Before your father and I made a decision we want to hear what you have to say."
"I want to marry Aemond." Daemon crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the ground. "He already asked me to wed him and I agreed."
"Well, my love, if this is what you want then we will bless your union." Rhaenyra hugged Deirys. "We only want your happiness."
Deirys smiled at her mother and then looked at her father, she seemed to realize Daemon was not as happy and agreeable as her mother. Aemond watched as Deirys moved closer to her father and touched his arm, making him look up at her.
"What about you, papa?" She squeezed his hand. "Do you also approve?"
"I want you to be happy." Daemon's eyes were sad when he looked at his daughter. "But I do not want to lose you."
"You are not going to lose me. I will always be your daughter." Deirys hugged his uncle and laid her head on his chest. "You gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, you believed in me. Having you as my father is like having permanent armor, I am always protected. You might not hold my hand any longer, like when I was a child, but you will hold my heart forever."
"You have held my heart in your hands since the moment you were born." Daemon kissed Deirys head. "I will not stand in the way of your happiness."
Aemond had always known that Daemon's weaknesses were his wife and daughters. He loved his sons, but his daughters held a special place in his heart. Aemond knew that Deirys would be able to convince her father to accept their marriage. Daemon may never accept him, but he would at least tolerate him for his daughter's sake. Daemon finally let go of Deirys and walked up to him.
"I still do not like you; much." Daemon's eyes were guarded. "But I have to admit that of all the qualities you possess, my favorite is that you have always made my daughter smile."
"Thank you." Aemond shook his uncle's hand. "I will do everything in my power to make sure she always smiles."
"I hope so, for your own good." Daemon's hand tightened on his until Aemond thought his hand would break. "Because I can still kill you and feed you to Caraxes."
Aemond heard his sister and Deirys laughing and smirked at his uncle. The hardest part was already done. He just had to make sure the announcement would be made as soon as possible.

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