Chapter 24

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This chapter will have the trial of the 5 traitors. Deirys gives everyone a little surprise. Daemon is close to getting his revenge and Deirys and Aemond share a sweet moment. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                            Deirys Targaryen (17 years old

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                                            Deirys Targaryen (17 years old. Trial Day.)


                                        Anari Waters (17 years old

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                                        Anari Waters (17 years old. Trial Day.)

Deirys made sure everything was ready for the trial, and all the pieces were in place. Deirys was aware that perception was everything, so she had to look the part. Her red and gold gown was extravagant and let everyone remember that she was a Targaryen princess, heir to the iron throne after her mother. Anari placed the gold tiara on her head. Deirys had left her silver-gold hair down, not even a braid to decorate it, the tiara was large enough to make a statement. Even Anari was dressed in one of her best dresses, her own hair beautifully done. They would both have to give their accounts of what had happened and she needed all the people present to remember who she was. That these people had tried to kill their future queen on more than one occasion.

"There." Anari straightened the train on her gown. "You are ready."

"Thank you." Deirys turned to her friend. "You do know that Lord Corlys is one of the judges and that Princess Rhaenys, Lady Laena, and Ser Laeno will all be present?"

"Yes, I am aware." Anari gave her a gentle smile and shrugged her shoulders. "Do not worry about me. I believe everything has been said between Lord Corlys and me. All he wanted was for me to stay away and not to tell his wife about me."

"I am sorry." Deirys felt bad for her friend. Her mother was dead and her father refused to even acknowledge her in private. Deirys did not want Princess Rhaenys or her children to suffer, but they would all find out sooner or later. Lies could not be kept hidden for long. "Do not worry, we just have to get through today, and with the Gods help we will have some peace, at least for a few days."

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