Chapter 39

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Aemond gets bad news and makes some hard decisions. Deirys finally gives birth. ❤️ I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Aemond signed the contract and pushed it aside, grabbing the next one. He had been stuck reviewing several of the new laws that had been put in place in the last six moons. There were some of them that needed to be changed, just minor changes, but it would make them so much better. There was also the fact that he was distracted, which made it hard for him to concentrate. Deirys was eight moons along and their babe would be here in just a few weeks. He was excited and so happy that he would be having a child with the other half of his soul, but he was also very afraid. Bringing a babe into the world was dangerous, and could be deadly. He did not know what he would do if something happened to Deirys. She was the most important thing in his life and he could not imagine life without her. The closer the time came the more anxious he felt. He did not know what he could do. This would be something Deirys would have to fight alone, and he did not like the fact he would not be able to help her.
On the other hand, he was happy because things had been good for the past few moons. After the dinner where they found out Deirys was with child, his father had released his mother from her confinement. They still did not talk much, but his mother was free to roam around the castle without guards following her every step. His father had also called his great uncle from Oldtown and had him arrested and executed for treason. His father was still investigating the rest of the Hightowers. They would arrest and execute anyone else that had been involved in the conspiracy against his family. His father was also trying to spend more time with him, the other day he had come and sat down with him for two hours, while Aemond looked over some contracts and answered letters.
"Aemond!" He stood up as Rhaenyra ran into the room, her face a mask of terror. "Deirys has been attacked and she is now missing."
"What do you mean she was attacked and is missing?" She had been in her chambers the last time he saw her. "Rhaenyra!"
"Ser Luthor was found by some of the gold cloaks at Flea Bottom. He had been attacked and injured. He said Ser Erryk ran with Deirys and Aegon, while he and Ser Arryk attempted to hold the attackers back." Rhaenyra was in a panic, which was causing him to panic. "Now they cannot find them anywhere."
"Why the fuck was Deirys in Flea Bottom?" Aemond walked out, heading towards the healers' chambers. "She was not supposed to leave the castle."
"She went to the orphanage. She was aware that I missed last week and would miss this one also. I did not know she would take it upon herself to go." Rhaenyra was almost running to attempt and keep up with him.
"What was she thinking?" Aemond walked into the healers' chambers. Ser Luthor was sitting on one of the small beds, and one of the healers was bandaging his shoulder. He had some bruises on his face and what appeared to be a stab wound on his right, lower side. Aemond gave him a glare, making the other man flinch. "I want to know where my wife is. After I find her we will speak about why you took her to the city without telling anyone."
"I am sorry, my prince, but the princess insisted." The man looked apologetic. "Everything went well, but when we were returning to the castle, there were several people fighting and blocking the road. We sent for the gold cloaks immediately since there were too many people for us to control them. Then they started to approach the wheelhouse and a riot formed very quickly. Ser Erryk took the princess and prince Aegon down one of the alleyways, while Ser Arryk and I attempted to hold them back. The gold cloaks arrived not too long after that and helped dispersed the crowd. I had already been stabbed and was losing too much blood. We attempted to track them down, but could not find them. We found several men that had been killed in one of the alleyways close by."
"This cannot be happening." Aemond turned around looking at one of the guards that had followed him. "I want thirty guards with me, we are going to look for the princess. Now!"
"My prince." Aemond was almost at the door when Ser Luthor's voice stopped him. Aemond turned to look at him, and his face was apologetic. "The men we found dead were some of the men that came to Kings Landing with Ser Gwayne Hightower."
Aemond could have sworn his vision turned red and for a moment he could have breathed fire. He knew letting his mother's family come to Kings Landing was not a good idea. He almost ran to his mother's chambers and slammed the doors open before Ser Criston could get a word out. His mother was sitting by the fireplace and looked up in surprise. She must have noticed something on his face because her eyes widened. Aemond grabbed her shoulders and dragged her off the chair.
"What the fuck did you do?" She opened her mouth and he could see the lie before she even said anything. Aemond grabbed her neck and slammed her against the wall. "Do not even think of lying to me. I know you have something to do with Deirys disappearance and I want to know where my wife is."
"I did this for you, for all of us." She was almost fanatical in her rage. Aemond narrowed his eyes, but she was not intimidated. "She has ruined you, since the moment you met her you became a different person. You turned your back on your family. She is the reason my father and uncle are dead, she wants to destroy me and destroy all of you. I was not going to allow her to keep poisoning your mind against me."
"She is not the one that was poisoning me. You were. You, with your hate and your judgmental attitude. We were never good enough for you, could not do enough to please you." Aemond let go of her and took a step back. "You are the one that pushed all of us away. Deirys is not to blame for what happened to your father and your uncle. They betrayed the realm and the royal family."
"They wanted what was best for the realm" His mother's face was red and she was looking furious. "That little whore bewitched you. But do not worry, she will be gone after today and you will see how much better our lives will become."
"What did you do?"
"I could not allow her to keep getting in the way."
"She is carrying my child, your grandchild!"
"That bastard is not my grandchild." Aemond stepped back and for the first time in his life, he felt hate for this woman. He hated his mother. "You will marry someone else, a true lady that will give you true legitimate children."
"Guards!" The guards that had followed him walked into the room followed by Criston Cole. "Arrest the queen and Ser Cole."
"What?" Three guards restrained Cole without giving him time to unsheathe his sword. The other two grabbed his mother. She looked at him like he was a stranger. "You cannot do this. I am the queen."
"Take the queen and her guard to the black cells." The guards started dragging both of them away. "Make sure they are both in separate cells, far away that they cannot speak to each other. Relieve Criston Cole of all his weapons and armor."
Aemond stepped out of his mother's chambers to find Rhaenyra standing there with a shocked look on her face. She had almost thirty guards with her and his uncle Daemon was also present. Aemond looked at both of them and shook his head. He did not even know where to start looking and his mother would not give him any information. He was terrified that something had happened to her, how was he supposed to get to her in time? What would he do if something happened to her and his child? He still felt fury every time he thought of his mother calling his child a bastard.
"I want the entire city watch looking for my wife." Aemond saw his father heading towards them and looked at his uncle. "We need to find a way to locate her quickly."
"What is happening?" His father looked between him and Daemon. "I heard that Deirys was missing and I just heard your mother and her personal kingsguard have been arrested."
"She is the reason Deirys is missing." Now it was Dameon who looked furious, but Aemond did not have time to calm down his family. "She had her attacked while she was returning to the castle from Flea Bottom. I do not care what you think, she is not to be released from the black cells, or I will kill her myself."
Aemond walked away from them. He did not care about anything else, but finding his wife. She was fine, she had to be fine. He could not live if she was not fine.
Deirys screamed as another pain hit her hard. Her belly contracted and she swore she squeezed Aegon's hand so hard she almost broke it. Aegon's face was looking a bit green and Ser Erryk was standing across the room, refusing to come near her. Once the pain passed she took a deep breath and looked between Aegon and Ser Erryk.
"We need to get out of here." She clutched her belly and sat up. "We cannot stay here, I cannot have my child here, I need Aemond."
"Princess, we need to wait for some of the guards before we can attempt to leave." Ser Erryk looked apologetic. "We do not know how many men were sent after us and you are about to give birth, we cannot afford to be caught in the open while you are in this condition."
"Then go and get my husband!" She had not meant to snap at him, but she was in too much pain to care. "I need him here, please."
"Princess, I cannot leave you and the prince alone." The glare she sent him made him step back. "You have to under..."
"I swear if you do not go and get someone right now I will walk out of that door on my own." Another cramp hit her and she squeezed Aegon's hand once more, making him whimper. "Now!"
Ser Erryk ran out of the door and poor Aegon looked terrified. He kept looking between her and the door like he was tempted to run. Deirys bit her lip to stop herself from screaming and tasted blood. No one had really explained to her how painful this would be. The cramps seemed to be lasting longer and her belly would become hard as a rock. Her dress was not helping, she just wanted to take it off, but she could not do that here. Sweat was running down her face and her hair was sticking to it.
"How long until your child comes out?"
"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" Poor Aegon looked terrified of her, but she could not even feel guilty about snapping at him. "I have never done this before."
"I am sorry." He looked like a little boy and for a moment she felt badly, then another pain hit her and she forgot all about it. Aegon gave her a panicked look. "Just breathe, hopefully, Ser Erryk will be back before long, because I have no idea how to help you with the birth."
"Good because I do not know what I am supposed to do now." The pain passed once more and Deirys could finally breathe. She looked at Aegon and gave him a sad look. "I am sorry."
"I do not think you need to apologize." He moved to a more comfortable position. "I do not think it is your choice when you have your babe."
"No, not for that." Deirys looked around the room. "I am sorry you had to kill your uncle because of me."
"You do not have to apologize for that either." He shrugged. "I barely knew him. My mother's family is not like yours. They only talk to us when they need something. The only good I was to them was when they thought I was going to be king. After what happened with Otto and I told everyone I had no interest in being king and supported Rhaenyra's claim, they barely remembered I was their family."
"Well, we are your family also."
"I know, you have all been more supportive of me than my own mother." This time Aegon looked away and his cheeks turned red. "I am sorry about what happened when you were ten. I should have never done that and I am sorry for it."
"I am sorry also." This time she squeezed his hand in a more gentle manner. "I should have never said those things. I was upset and wanted to hurt you, but I know it was not fair of me."
"Well, let us be honest, you were not lying. I was a horrible person and did despicable things. I am glad Rhaenyra helped me see that, she helped me see what was really important, and thanks to that I have been able to have a better relationship with my children and wife."
"I am glad that.." Another pain hit her and she clutched her belly.
This time she was unable to stop the scream that left her mouth. The door crashed open and Aegon was in front of her in an instant, sword in hand. Aemond looked like a madman, and her father did not look much better. Aemond was at her side in the next few seconds, he looked ecstatic to see her until he saw the blood on her gown, his face filled with terror after that. He looked at her father like he had all the answers.
"How long have you been having pains?" Her father kneeled next to her and touched her face. "Are they coming more frequently now?"
"She is been having pains for about three hours." Aegon took a few steps back at the glare her husband and father shot him. "But her pains are lasting longer."
"We have to get her back to the Red Keep." Aemond had her up in his arms before her father had finished speaking. "Thank the gods we are close. I will leave and have the maester waiting in your chambers for when you arrive."
Her father kissed her forehead before running out. Aemond climbed into the wheelhouse with her and Aegon followed. By the time they were on the way her pains had lessened, Aegon was trying to fade into the wheelhouse wall, while Aemond was glaring at him.
"What the fuck were you thinking? You took her out of the castle in her condition." Aemond's voice was terrifying and so was the glare he was giving Aegon. "Thanks to you she was almost killed."
"Aemond, that is not true. I made him take me. He saved my life back there." Deirys squeezed Aemond's hand until he looked at her. "The queen's brother almost killed me and he would have if Aegon had not killed him first."
Aemond's jaw tightened, but he stop glaring at Aegon. Deirys felt like the ride to the Red Keep took hours. Once they arrived everything moved fairly quickly. She was taken to her chambers and the healers helped her out of her dress. Once she was down to her shift they laid her on the bed and checked her progress. As the hours passed her pains became incredibly stronger, until it felt like her entire body hurt. It was the hour of the bat when the healers finally had her start pushing. She cursed Aemond's name the entire time and squeezed his hand. She was thankful that he refused to leave when the healers asked him to. She was exhausted by the time her babe came into the world.
"Congratulations princess, my prince." The healer laid the babe on her chest. "It is a healthy and beautiful boy."
"He is perfect." Deirys touched the baby's head gently. He was so beautiful, with wisps of silver-white hair. She smiled at Aemond, tears running down her face. "He is so tiny."
"He is so beautiful." Aemond touched the baby's hand. "I cannot believe he is here."
One of the healers took the baby while the other one felt around her belly. Aemond did not seem to know what to do. He kept looking between her and the baby. The healer frowned, and a few seconds later Deirys felt another cramp.
"Princess, I need you to listen to me." Aemond frowned and all his attention now was on her and the healer. "There is another babe, when you feel the need I need you to start pushing once more."
Both their Deirys and Aemond's eyes widened, she let out a groan when another pain hit her, and once the healer gave her the ok, she started pushing once more. This time, the birth was quicker. Within ten minutes the healer had another babe in her hands and was smiling at them.
"Is another boy." The baby was crying angrily, apparently upset at the way he was being handled. "We will clean him up and bring him to you in a few minutes, your grace."
Two of the healers worked on getting both babes cleaned while two other healers helped clean her up and changed the bedding and her shift. Then her youngest son was placed in her arms while her firstborn was placed in his father's arms, then the healers left them alone.
"Thank you." Aemond kissed her softly before kissing the baby in her arms. "I cannot believe we have two sons."
"Me neither. They are both so beautiful." Deirys ran a gentle finger over her baby's face and then looked at the other babe in Aemond's arms. "Have you thought of any names?"
"No, I was waiting to see if it would be a girl or a boy. Do you have any ideas?"
"Yes." She licked her lips before looking at him. "I was thinking we could name our first-born Daemon, for my father."
"I believe that is a great idea." Aemond kissed her once more, before looking at the babe in her arms. "What about our secondborn?"
"I thought we could name him Aegon." Aemond's eyes widened and she gave him a gentle smile. "For the uncle who saved his life today."
"That is very sweet of you." Aemond kissed both babes. "Welcome to the world, Daemon and Aegon Targaryen."
Deirys could not believe she was a mother, and that she had two babies. She could not wait for the rest of her family to meet them. This was perfect. 

                                      Daemon Targaryen (Newborn

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                                      Daemon Targaryen (Newborn.)

                                            Aegon Targaryen (Newborn

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                                            Aegon Targaryen (Newborn.)

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