"Yes you can but after we shift him to a room and yes he is still unconscious, he will surely wake up in an hour or 2" doctor said and excused himself.
Jin and Jhope went to the room where Jungkook was shifted.
Jin saw Jungkook laying on the hospital bed, unconscious. He sat beside him ,taking a small chair.
"Bubba! Get up fast Hyungie misses you so much! See what your Hyungie did, he scolded Yoongi Hyung and now he is nowhere to be found"
Jin said as he held Jungkook's hands in his. Jhope was feeling extremely bad and thought about the past when they were all a happy family.
He comforted Jin and told to have something or he might be the next one to be admitted as he became pale and weak from crying.
Jin wasn't ready at first but agreed as he knew Jhope wouldn't eat too. So they went and had some thing light.

After a week...
Its been now a week since all this happened. Jungkook is fit and fine but he is all off because of he heard what happened between Jin and Yoongi and the worst is they still couldn't find or contact Yoongi.


All were now sitting in the living room again hoping to get some news from their guards about Yoongi.

Jhope's phone rang as it startled everyone.

"Hello sir, we have spotted Yoongi sir's car at the high way"

"Okay! We are coming"
Jhope replied to which everyone's eyes lit up."They found Yoongi Hyung's car at the High way. We should go!"
He said and everyone rushed.

They followed the location send by the guards and reached to a place which was like a forest. They saw Yoongi's car standing and their guards were inspecting it.
"Sir! The car is empty"

"Umm...ig we should go inside the forest and see I heard there are some people living maybe they saw him" Taehyung said and everyone went inside.
They walked for some distance and finally found a house.It was Uncle Tim's house.
"Umm...Hello sir! We just wanted to ask you if you have seen this guy here?" Jimin asked as he showed a photo of Yoongi.
"Oh this is Mr Kim Yoongi. I have been taking care of his house here for past few months and ig he is now living there for a week. I may escort you to his house if you don't mind" Uncle Tim said and Everyone vigorously nodded telling him to lead the way. They stopped infront of a beautiful house. They were sure that Yoongi have designed it by himself.
They thanked Uncle Tim and he went away.
They stood infront of the door knocking but got no response. The door was opened when tried to open it. Soon the smell of alcohol and somewhat blood hit them. Fearful thoughts took over their minds. They went to the living room and saw everything was scattered everywhere and a figure laying on the ground beside the couch. Moving closer to the figure they saw Yoongi. He was drunk and had dried blood on his wrist and stomach which was slightly exposed.
All were processing what are they seeing and Namjoon interrupted." We sh-oul-d take him t-o the h-ospi-tal" he managed saying. Everyone nodded and rushed to the hospital.


"Are you all with patient?" Doctor asked and one of them said a small yes.

"He is into severe depression and it looks like he has self harm himself many times. And there are some signs of sexual abuse too. Please take care of him. I will give some medications" doctor said and went away.
No one uttered a word but Jungkook called out for Jin.

"Yes bub"

"When me a-nd Yoongi Hyung were caught by Hyungo and C-han, he said something to Yoongi Hyung about him having his guards r-ape Hyung"
Jin comforted Jungkook who was by now crying but knew that he himself could breakdown anytime.

Yoongi woke up with a severe headache and saw 6 figures surrounding him. As he opened his eyes he heard all of them bombarding him with questions not letting him to answer.
"Let him speak guys" the doctor said from behind.

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