Chapter 25

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I met my daughter when she was four. I was on a road trip with Wells, he said my life was so fucking miserable and he was trying to cheer me up. We stopped at some restaurant, I was having a good time for once in a long time, I wasn't thinking about my life, my mistakes, the what could have beens.

My heart stopped when I heard the unmistakable laugh of Vanessa. I was afraid to look behind me. I told myself, no, it can't be. Some part of me was happy to see her though. But the bigger part was nervous.

I slowly turn around to find Vanessa entering the restaurant with Liam looking like a couple. She intertwined hands with Liam while her other hand held a tiny hand of a girl that looked to be 4 years old.

My heart skipped a beat when our eyes met. She had the same eyes as mine. I smiled.

I watched the three grab a table and dine as a family, there was a lot laughter and it made me happy and jealous at the same time. 

I didn't know what to do, I was mainly worried about what the right thing to do would be. I wanted to be selfish, I wanted to walk right up to her and introduce myself. I know I hadn't been the best person, but I deserved to be in her life, didn't I? Or at least she deserved to have a father figure in hers'. There was a small voice in my head telling me Liam was that father figure, it made me angry and relieved. Liam was a good guy.

"We'll go to Breakers after touring, it's like the best bar in this town." Wells informed me taking his seat. "Uh, what are you looking at- Oh! Holy Fu-" He had seen what I was seeing. 

"That's my daughter." I said shamelessly. Feeling like I didn't deserve to call her that. I then looked at Wells, he was smiling.

"She looks so much like her mother." He complimented, "she has your eyes though." He pointed out. 

"What should I do?" I asked after a while of silence, just digesting what my eyes had witnessed. All this while I wondered what she'd be like and here she was, in front of me. 

Wells looked lost, "what do you mean 'what should I do'?" He frowned. 

"I mean," I stared at her, "should I just walk up to her and introduce myself?" I turn back to look at Wells. 

He shook his head no. "No, definitely not." He disapproved.

"You're right, that'd be confusing... I'll just go and say hi." 

Wells sighed, "don't do anything Ian... look at her, she's happy without you," even though it hurt, it was true, "you do not want to complicate her life." He told me, I truly didn't. 

"And Vanessa worked so hard to bring her up by her own when you need I remind you abandoned her." His words stung. "Leave it up to Vanessa, she's the one who gets to decide when and if you'll meet your child. Right now, don't do anything." He pleaded with me.

 I let his words sink in but still a huge part of me wanted to meet my daughter, I just couldn't let it go. Vanessa, our daughter and Ian were leaving, I quickly paid for our meal and dashed out of the restaurant. 

"Ian! Don't do anything stupid." Wells followed me to the car. 

"I'll just follow them quietly." I said helplessly. 

"There are  many things that can go wrong. you can get caught. Please don't cause anymore pain than you already have." He told me. 

I took a second to admire the person Wells was, so much better than the person I was. Then I felt anger course through my veins and I wanted to punch him when I remembered that he's the one who told me to act on my feelings for Vanessa. Then I remembered he didn't tell me to go as far as impregnating her, that's solemnly on me. 

I started the car.

"Fuck, can you do the right thing and not be selfish for once in your life!?"

I drove off. 


I watched the three enter the house, they seemed like a happy family, I couldn't help but picture myself in Liam's place. How the hell did I get here? Stalking the woman I love and my daughter? 

"Davina be careful!" Liam screamed as the little girl jumped down the front steps. 

"Yes uncle Liam." She said and continued playing in the front yard.

Uncle Liam. I laughed in joy. That means she didn't think he was her father and Vanessa was still available. 

My mind tried to remind me that this was about Davina and not Vanessa, but I was a greedy man, I wanted them both. 


I was watching Davina play through the huge window in the sitting room, feeling proud of myself. You did one thing right; I'd tell myself every time I looked at Davina. 

I felt Liam's arms go around my waist and my body relaxed. He kissed my neck and shoulder causing an unvoluntary moan to leave my throat. My breathing fanned and I was getting tingly, I wanted Liam so bad but it seemed as if he was taking things slow. 

I faced him, staring into his eyes. I'm sure the emotions in mine were transparent, he could tell I was hot for him, I saw him smile. He was teasing me. Torturing me. 

Thinking maybe I should take the lead; I lean in and kissed him making sure to communicate all my needs in that one steamy kiss. I grind my crotch against his erection, and he moaned into my mouth, good, I smiled. 

I pulled out of the kiss to stare at him, "I want you." I told him. 

He didn't say anything back, in fact he wasn't looking at me. But behind me. 

Liam let go of me and rushed out of the house, panic written all over his face. "Davina!" He called. 

She wasn't playing in the front yard anymore. She wasn't in the front yard or anywhere nearby. "Davina!" I called, my voice cracking. I have never been so scared in my life. No, this can't be happening. I said to myself. I was feeling dizzy, but I couldn't sit, I had to find her. 

"Have you seen Davina?" I asked the neighbors. This has never happened before. There weren't many kids around Davina's age in the neighborhood so she doesn't go to play anywhere except the park, but she can't go there by foot. "Davina!" I was crying now. This was every mother's horror. Every bad thing that could've happened to her went through my mind and I couldn't breathe. 

"I found her!" I heard Liam say.

I found Liam kneeling by a car, Davina in his arms, he was whispering words into her ear. I was so relieved she was safe. And I was so happy I had Liam around to help. I still had to show my disappointment in her. I carried her into my arms and started shouting at her, "what did mommy tell you about wandering around?" 

This being the first time seeing me so angry, she started to cry. "I'm sorry mommy..." she said repeatedly and how could I be mad at such a cute little thing? I hugged her tightly. 

Our little mother-daughter moment was disturbed by someone clearing their throat, it was Liam, judging by his posture, something was very wrong. I followed his eyes to find... Ian? 

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