Chapter 18

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Ian's hands explored my body while mine did the same, our lips moved in sync as we got lost in this hungry kiss. Everything that was on my mind seconds ago had flew out the window and all I could focus on was the beating of my heart and the throbbing in the middle of my legs.

I was sitting on the counter, Ian standing between my legs, our lips were still locked, our tongues fighting for dominance.

A pleasurable moan escaped my lips as Ian started kissing my neck, biting and sucking on the skin. My breathing just got heavier. My panties were soaked.

His hands moved from my inner thighs and found my vagina, he started rubbing on the area in up and down and then circular motion. I couldn't think straight, all I knew is I wanted him. I have for a long time.

He then removed my underwear, dropping it on the floor and continued doing what he was doing without anything in between his fingers and my pussy.

He entered one finger and then two and started fucking me, as his other hand worked on my right breast and his mouth sucking on my left one. I was in ecstasy, and I wanted to feel this way forever.

Ian raised his head to look at me for a second, his eyes filled with desire and admiration, he said, "you're beautiful." And he entered me, we made love right there on that counter. So tenderly, so passionate.



I got home at somewhat past 2AM, I knew Irene would be worrying about me, but for once it didn't bother me how she felt, I had this bubbly feeling in my chest that wouldn't go away. Not that I dreamt it would. I would like to keep it for eternity. But it disappeared the moment my eyes registered my wife sleeping on the sofa. I felt bad momentarily.

I grabbed the remote control and switched off the TV that was showing one of her favorite reality TV shows. There was a fleece blanket folded on the chair so I covered her with it. I paused for a second to look at her, she looked just as beautiful as the first day I lay my eyes on her. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was my first day at College and I was lost and couldn't seem to find where my class was but Irene kindly helped me, she ditched her friends and even missed an hour of classes just to tour me. We said hi in the corridors since then. And one day we met in the library, I was having problems with some basic courses and she offered to help. That's how we became friends.

I pushed a strand of her silky hair behind her ear, my fingertips grazing her skin caused her to wake up. Eyes fluttering open, a yawn escaping her chest, she stretched and smiled, "hey!" She chirped.

I showed her a small smile, "hi."

She knotted her eyebrows together, frowning, "were you out drinking?"

I knew what was coming, I sighed deeply but didn't say a word.

"Everything okay?" She asked surprising me. I expected a look of disapproval and a long ass lecture.

"Yeah, just work stuff." I lied.

She cupped my cheek and showed me a pitying look, "you know you can tell me anything, right?" She said in the softest voice ever.

I choked on my words and just nodded.

The guilt in me rose and I felt like dying. I didn't deserve anything good, I was the worst human being on this planet. But did knowing that stop me from fucking Vanessa? No! More reason to hate myself.

"I should shower." I said and did that.


Ian joined me in bed after he showered, he got into the covers and slept at the further end of the bed, I moved closer. I felt his body muscles stiffen but I didn't want to over think it, he was stressed because of work, maybe I could help keep his mind off of work for a while.

I placed my hand on his chest and started moving it up and down, feeling his abs.

I lowered my hand until it was inside his boxers and the strangest thing happened, he removed my hand from his boxers and laid it beside me.

"I'm exhausted." He told me. Being the understanding wife I am, I let him rest and tried to get myself to sleep but I couldn't. After tossing and turning for sometime I decided to give up on sleep and play games on Ian's phone in attempts to tire myself out.

I found out then that Ian had protected his phone with a fingerprint lock, strange. So I unlocked it. I opened the game, Candy crush and started playing, not long into the game a message showed up on the notification bar, I didn't mean to, I've never had reason to evade my husband's privacy, he's never gave me reason to doubt him but my eyes read the first few words and it caught my attention.

We should talk about what happened.

My heart wanted to believe that it was a work thing, but it knew better. It just did. Still, I brushed it off.

I can't keep doing this with you... It read, so I opened it and read the rest of the text.

I can't keep doing this with you if it doesn't mean anything. It's hurting me.

That was definitely a text from a girl, and not Contractor.

With shaking hands, I copied the number in my phone and dialed. They answered at the third ring.

"Hello?" A familiar voice answered.


Quickly, my brain put two and two together and I knew what was going on. My husband was having an affair with the vegetable girl.

I suddenly couldn't breathe as panic rose. I was heartbroken, the crack was felt cutting deeply in my chest. The tears welled up in my eyes, I had to bite my jaw not to cry.

"Hello?" She repeated, then she said something inaudible and hang up.


I woke up at 4AM to find out that my wife wasn't in bed with me. Was I harsh on her earlier? I wondered.

I searched for her in the house and finally found her in the kitchen, she was standing in the middle of the room, glass of red wine in her hand, her eyes were locked on the phone and knife that were sitting on the table. My phone.

"Honey?" I spoke. She didn't look at me even though I was sure she'd heard me. "Honey?" I repeated.

She snapped her head in my direction and I flinched at the look in her eyes, I've never met a deadlier look.

Then it went in a flash, a wide smile on her lips.

"Ian!" She beamed, "just the man I was looking for." She slurred the words out. She tried to walk towards me but she lost her balance and almost fell had I not catch her.

"Whoa! You're drunk." I said taking the glass from her and placing it on the table. I let myself chuckle a bit, I was nervous.

"Stay away from me!" She cried, a knife in her hands. She was pointing it at me. I obviously jumped backwards, raising my hands up. I knew Irene for always being impulsive, I've bailed her out of jail a couple of times for assault when we were just good friends.

"Honey, drop the knife down." I said slowly.

She narrowed her eyes at me, ttsking and shaking her head, "don't you honey me." She gritted but she dropped the knife. "You're cheating on me." It wasn't a question.

My mouth opened and closed as I tried to come up with an explanation, excuses, apologies, heck anything, but nothing came out.

"Vanessa." She said the name with so much venom, and then she laughed. She was quiet for a while and the next thing I knew I was dodging the glass of wine that was thrown my way. See what I meant?

"Do you love her?" She shouted.

And in a heartbeat I responded, "no." And it was the truth. I didn't have to think, to hesitate, I knew in my heart, I loved no one but Irene.

"You gotta choose Ian, her or me. You can't have both." That said she walked away.

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