Chapter 22

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Irene smiled at me, but her eyes told the story she didn't want to say out loud, she was sad. No that's an understatement, she was broken. Beyond broken. And I did that. I could never forgive myself. But I'd hate myself more if I denied myself the right to be happy. And right now it was with Vanessa, that's where my happiness lay.

I didn't want it like that.

I wanted to stay true to Irene, grow old with her. But something I couldn't control happened. My heart stopped beating for her and started beating for another. There's no justification for that. What I did was evil: nurturing my feelings for Vanessa. But I couldn't stop it even if I tried. Even when I tried.

I hope she forgives me. And even if she'll never, I'll understand. Totally.

"Thanks for loving me," she said, her voice barely a whisper. The words she said plunge my chest like a dagger. I knew where this was going, and even though I wanted it that way, my heart still hurt.

"I'm sorry," I croaked, holding her tiny hand in mine. I believed one could never truly unlove another, I still loved my wife. "I didn't mean to hurt you." I lamely said.

With her bloodshot eyes, she gave me and understanding look, leaned in to press her lips on my forehead and gathered her stuff, sparing me one last glance she left.

There was a pain in my chest, as if someone was trying to pull it out of its place. I shade a single tear and cursed myself.


Ian and Irene part ways, she let him go for the sake of his happiness and I admired her, that there was true love. I couldn't stop from feeling guilty, I had wrecked their home but Ian constantly reminded me that it wasn't my fault, he said this was inevitable, I disagreed. We'd have tried harder to keep our feelings to ourselves and not hurt someone as sweet as Irene.

True she wasn't so perfect but she was the closest to perfection humans would ever get. She was kind, considerate and definitely not selfish.

A pang was felt in my chest as I came to terms with just how selfish I was.

My guilt could only go to an extent, because I had me to think about, a baby on the way and finally, what I've always wanted; Ian. 

He walked into the house and a smile immediately found its way to my lips, he smiled at me and removed his jacket, wincing in the process, he hadn't fully recovered yet. I got up to help him.

"Told you to wait until you are completely fine." I said to him.

"I am fine," he grunted every word. I rolled my eyes, bringing his jacket and bag to the bedroom. Ian and I lived in his dream house and I found that life was peaceful even though he wasn't as rich as he used to be. In the process of divorcing his wife, he lost a lot. And it made me feel somewhat special to think he was willing to loose all that for me- for him too, but I was in the picture. He did all that to be with me.

"I made some spaghetti!" I announced from the bedroom.

I heard Ian groan, "I told you to relax honey, we have a baby on the way." He complained. And I felt a pang in my chest. He also had a baby on the way with Irene, but she wasn't receiving all this help, all this concern. I felt like the devil himself. At least she had Wells helping her. The twist! I recall just how much those two despised each other.

"Hey, hey," Ian's voice sounded close to me, he had followed me to the bedroom and was standing behind me. I felt his arms go around me and he rested his head on my shoulder. Ian knew exactly how I felt about this whole thing with Irene, if it was a punishment for breaking the two apart then I was indeed suffering.

We stayed like that for a while then Ian took me to the kitchen where I watched him devour his meal as we small talked. After a few laughs, everything was back to normal- or as normal as it could get.


I could feel him stare at me, Wells stood at the entrance to my office, his arms were crossed as he leaned on the doorframe. "Seriously?" He groaned. I only glanced at him then, I asked with my eyes 'what?'

"You're gonna ignore my presence?" He asked dropping in the chair in front of me.

I sighed, "what do you want Wells?" I went back to signing the documents I'd been signing before he showed up.

"I don't know, maybe a 'thank you' for taking care of your wife." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, "she's not my wife Wells, we divorced." I reminded him. "And I didn't ask you to." I said. I was deeply grateful that he was there for her through all this and I hated myself that I couldn't be there.

"I know, I do it out of my own kindness." He admitted.

"I knew you had it in you." I smiled.

He rolled his eyes playfully. We fell into a deep silence before I spoke again, "how's she?" I really wanted to know.

Wells held eye contact, "she's a strong woman." He stated the obvious. I let myself smile a little.

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