Chapter 3

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Felix had dragged Beatrice and I to the stadium. No, technically, I followed him here because I knew he'd be mad if I didn't come with him and Beatrice knew she had to come because she had to be here when Felix starts being a dick. To wipe my tears and lend me her shoulder as I cry.

She never questions me. I can see the questions in her eyes, and also the understanding in them. The understanding women had for a fellow woman going back to their cheating partner. It never makes sense but it's understood even when a billion questions are left unasked and unanswered.

Felix and I have been in this on and off relationship for 2 years. Many ask, what dragged me to him. And it's easy. He was dangerous. But also superhot. Like drool-worthy hot. We've had our ups and downs, probably many downs than ups. But he was mine and I was his, in fact our relationship had been mostly on than it has been off.

My boyfriend didn't treat me like the boyfriends did in movies or novels. He didn't particularly treat me wrong. Well, only most times he made me really angry and left me really hurt, but we always find our way back. Or I do. Call it a toxic relationship for all I care, it is a relationship. It has seen better days. Coffee dates at Coffee House, picnics at the park, road trips in his off roader, a lot of sleep overs too where much sleeping wasn't done if you ask. There were times he waits for me outside my class, with a flower he picked, literally, on his way. He'd hand it to me, a kiss on the lip, hold my hand and take me to lunch or his place. Sometimes he'd even give me a piggy back ride like we were still kids. Other times, like now, when he had to, he didn't bother holding my hand, or slowing his pace. But he gave me his leather jacket when he thought I was freezing. I was used to this way of him loving me, and me loving him that I thought it entirely normal to bring Beatrice with me to dry my eyes because I knew that at the end of the day, I'd be a bawling mess.

We were just getting into our seats, I was sitting beside Felix and Beatrice beside me, when I heard a voice so unfamiliar yet not new to my ears. They called, "vegetable girl!" Not as an insult but because they didn't know what else to call.

Beatrice and I snapped our heads in the direction of the voice and saw two men standing two steps above us. One of them was really tall, too light skinned all his veins were showing with stylish curly hair on top of his head. He was good looking but mostly, rich. I had come to learn to tell the rich from the less in a matter of seconds by observing people at the bar. The other, equally rich, or even more, sunglasses shielding the eyes from the sun, dressed casually but elegantly, I thought I knew him.

Beatrice pointed at herself in question.

The man in sunglasses was already walking down the steps, he took his glasses off and I was met with the same beautiful chocolate brown eyes I'd been staring deep into not long ago as we engaged in casual conversation. The guy with the mansion and a wife that looked like a runaway model and drove a convertible. He's at the stadium? At the open stands? The odds!

He was wearing a perfect smile as he approached us_ me. Too broad but that only made it too pretty. He had shiny white teeth, perfectly arranged.

"Hi! It's so nice to see you again." And he was hugging me. It was a half hug, just a pleased to see me hug but enough happened, his stubble grazed my cheeks, tickling me and sending this pleasant sensation down my core. My breasts somehow pressed into his manly chest, I've never came to contact with such a hard chest. My nipples were slightly hard from the cool air and he felt it through the thin garment... Maybe I should've worn a bra. When I breathed in his cologne, they only got harder, sending a pleasurable shiver down my spine. And though I attempted to keep space between myself and his torso by throwing my ass as further as I could, his fingers found my butt, it was accidental but I felt it. So much my breath hitched.

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