Chapter 1

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I stood in front of the huge mirror in the master bedroom as I tried for what seemed to be the thousandth time to tie the damn thing around my neck, I just never seem to get it right no matter how hard I tried or practiced. Irene; my wife; let out a small laugh from the doorway to our bedroom, eyeing me. "Come here." She told me and I obeyed.

She fixed my tie with so much ease, a loving smile on her face as she took care of me. "Done." She announced, dusting off invisible dust on my nicely ironed shirt. A smile creeped on my face as I snaked my arms around her tiny waist bringing her body closer to mine. I kissed her lips briefly, tasting the candy she loved so much from her mouth. I could never get enough; of the taste and of my wife. We have been married for five years and our marriage was just as good as new.

Irene broke off the kiss and held her head back, "you'll be late for work." She told me.

"I'm the boss." I reminded her, then I pecked her soft lips. "I can be late." I followed up with another peck, this one lingered.

When I pulled out to look into her eyes, still holding her captive in my arms, she smiled widely at me, her eyes shining. "You should set an example for your employees." With that she was out of the door. "Breakfast is served!" She announced.

I groaned but followed anyway. The worst part of the day for the last five years was leaving for work, I only did it because I had to, but given a choice, I'd spend every second of the day at home with my wife held dearly in my arms as I showered her with kisses of love and adoration.

In the kitchen, where our dining table sat, my wife had fixed a feast, just like she did every day. She made sure to keep me fed. So she prepared all my favourites, fried eggs slightly undercooked, bread she baked with her own two hands, sausages, coffee, fruits and not forgetting my personal favourite, cereal. I smiled and feasted my eyes before I filled my empty stomach.

I was halfway done with breakfast when I remembered an important detail, I watched Irene before I said what was on my mind. She was cheerful as always, sometimes I wondered how someone could be so happy so early in the morning. My wife was always smiling and I happily took credit.

"Your Norplant expires today." I brought it up as casually as I could.

I witnessed her face fall, she paused chewing and just stared at a spot on the table cloth, her hand that held the fork mid-air. Then she swallowed and said nothing.

"When are you going to the hospital? I should clear up my schedule to take you." Sometimes I had a very packed schedule I couldn't even go out for lunch, most times I would just order or eat the protein bars my wife insisted I carry everywhere.

She shrugged, chewing on scrambled eggs; Irene liked her eggs scrambled. "I don't want another Norplant." She says not meeting my eyes.

I grew concerned. I knew of the side effects of an implant: change in appetite, moodiness, sore breasts, weight gain, dizziness and sometimes even depression. I'd understand why she wouldn't want to get another implant, I have seen her every step of the way through this implant, I've been with her, dealt with her unexplainable mood swings, drove to the store late at night when she was craving something she normally wouldn't, held her hair when she was throwing up, laid her to bed when she was dizzy and unable to even sit. I took care of her. I knew very well how she must've felt. At least a quarter of it.

"Talk to me honey, is it the side effects?" My voice was laced with concern.

Irene's beautiful brown eyes met my own, "it's not the side effects." She accompanied the sentence with a shake of her head, her silky long hair moving with the motion. Then with uncertainty in her eyes, she spoke, "I want to have a child Ian." I could hear the desperation in her tone, it was crystal clear.

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