Chapter 10

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Wells and I were walking behind the crew; we were behind the line with Vanessa in front of us. She was wearing tiny army green turn up shots, a small white tank top, hiking shoes and a hat. I couldn't keep my eyes off her ass. I got hard just looking at it. I recalled playing with it a few days ago, how lucky a man am I.

"I can see why you like her." Wells whistled beside me, staring at Nessa's behind.

"I don't like her that way." I said.

He snorted, "yeah right. I wonder why we're here then." He looked around. I rolled my eyes and walked ahead.

I walked quietly behind Vanessa, wanting to block the nice view Wells was probably enjoying.

"Hi." She smiled when she felt my presence.

"Hi." I was walking beside her now.

"Insect repellent?" She handed me the tube.

I took it from her hands, making sure our fingers touch, her breath hitched when we touched. I smiled widely.

Vanessa snatched her hand away and continued walking.

"Thank you for inviting me here." I told her, applying insect repellent on the parts that were bare.

She showed me a small smile and said, "of course, you're my friend, right?"

I stood frozen in my tracks, unsure myself. Am I her friend? Is she my friend?

I watched Liam help Vanessa on the zip line, his hands stayed on her hips for longer than they should. I felt a strange feeling of jealousy consume me, it took everything in me not to go right there and push him to his death.

Wells was standing beside me; his eyes where mine were. "I'd give anything to be that kid right now." He was talking about Liam, his voice deep and throaty with what could only be desire. "You sure they are not screwing around?"

I swallowed. The way he gripped her hips, the way their bodies were pressed together... the way they smiled at each other, something was definitely going on and I sure hoped he wasn't getting some.

"Ready?" The tour guide guy asked.

Vanessa took a deep breath, she was smiling a huge smile, I could tell she was excited and I've never seen her happier. She nodded yes and glanced behind, at us_ at me_ she winked then the guy gave a push and off she went. She was screaming wildly, loving this, loving the thrill. Then she let go of the handles, the only thing holding her to the zip line was the belt. She spread her hands outwards and positioned herself in a way that she was facing the bright sun. She was hollering and smiling, having the time of her life.

I wasn't. The moment she let go of the handles, my heart skipped and I was beside the tour guide in no time, "should she be doing that?" I worried. I knew she shouldn't. The cable was for when something happens like the handles getting disconnected. But she let go of the handles willingly. I was scared. So scared I could feel my toes getting icy in the hiking shoes I wore.

"No." The man, almost twice my age breathed but he didn't seem at all bothered.

Beate and Liam were cheering on her, I wondered if they were mad. Young blood, I shook my head. Beate must've noticed my uneasiness. She walked up to me, a smile on her face, "that's how Nessa is." She told me and I guess I should start getting used to that. To her being so free spirited, so reckless.

Liam chuckled studying my face, "she'll be fine."

How can he be so sure?

Vanessa shouted from the other side of the line where she had landed safely. I breathed a sigh of relief. Liam was going next but I jumped in front of him and convinced the tour guide that I should go second. Liam flashed me an annoyed glare but let me go.

I was with Vanessa in no time. I wanted to pull her into my arms because she scared the shit out of me but I didn't want to break boundaries. "You aren't supposed to let go of the handles." I told her in what I meant to be a scolding.

She gave me an amused smile, "did I scare you?" She teased. When I didn't say anything she exclaimed, "oh!" Realizing that she had indeed scared me.

We had that silent moment where all we did was look at each other, as if we were spell bound and couldn't look away. Liam's loud scream that sounded dangerously close to us broke the spell. I was seriously considering pushing him to his death!


I joined the guys at the bonfire, I sat beside Beatrice, wrapping the blanket over me. Liam threw me a smile from across me, I returned it then my eyes flickered towards Ian, he was staring at me, he seemed deep in thought. My breath hitched, it was something that happened whenever I saw him after we had sex in the shower. The sex. I got hot and tingly all over just thinking about it. But that was pure lust. I knew it, I felt it. This being friends thing was what worried me more than having him inside me. It was my lame attempt at keeping him close to me but far from me. But maybe it was a mistake.

What we shared that day had to end then, I couldn't let it escalate into something more. I wasn't doing it for his wife, god I felt awful for screwing her husband, I was doing it for me. And sometimes we have to be selfish. No one was going to protect me but me because at the end of the day, he loves her, not me. No matter how good his kisses feel, no matter how right it feels to be in his arms, no matter how amazing the sex is, he loves her. And if he were to choose, he'd choose her. Not me. And I'd be left hanging.

Ian confused me, with his tender kisses, warm smiles and longing gazes. You'd think there was something more than just the lust. I wasn't going to cling to the hope that he could somehow have real feelings for me. I wasn't delusional. I knew how these things work, married men got side tracked all the time, and they drove off when they come back to their senses, leaving behind a broken heart. I wouldn't think of myself being more than just a distraction. I wouldn't let myself fall for him. I couldn't.

I smiled at Liam again and took the can of Monica beer Beate was handing me, I opened it and drank the cool beer in big gulps.

My eyes locked with Ian's and we shared a smile, a smile you'd let someone you know, a friend, see. And that was progress.

"I think he likes you." Beate whispered into my ear. I snapped my head at her and frowned, who? She nodded at Ian and I felt an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I was so afraid it could be true. But it wasn't.

I snapped out of fantasy land and laughed, "he's married Beate." I could feel the sadness in my tone as I said the truth, it tasted like bile in my mouth. I sighed deeply and stared into space.

"But he's here." She wouldn't let it go.

"So what?" I didn't mean to snap, "he's here but he's still thinking of her. He's calling her every minute of the day_" He was doing that just now. Through my blurry vision, I saw him spare me a glance and smile at me. It was one of his warm smiles that caused my heart to flip. I groaned inwardly.

I felt Beate's arm on my shoulder, she pulled me into her embrace, "it's okay to feel these things, you know?"

Is it?

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