Chapter Fifty-Six: Medial Sprain

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Robby left before Cal woke up the next morning. He left behind one of his shirts and a note telling her how much he loved her and would always love her, and how even if she didn't see him, he was always there. She spent the day in the room, playing with the note and his shirt, holding both to her person as she laid in bed, soft tears cascading over her pink cheeks.

Over the next few days she stayed in contact with her family in Taos, who were becoming increasingly concerned by her lack of spark... and her very purple ankle and inability to put any weight on it.
"Sweet pea, you have to go to the hospital. That's more than a sprain and you know it. You need medical attention."
Cal sighs, nodding at Dr. Kim reluctantly, "Fine. I'll go."
"Thank you. Text me when you get to the hospital and with any updates."
"I will." Cal nods, carefully slipping sandals over her feet before hopping to the door with her keys in hand.
"Be careful darling."
"I will be. Bye Dr. Kim."
"Bye sweet pea." Cal ends the call, laying her forehead on the door for a second before opening her door and hopping to her car, earning some funny looks.


"Hi, my name is Calanthe LaR- Calanthe Guerrero. I have a sprained ankle that may be a grade III." Calanthe explains to the nurse in front of her, who looks at her like she has three heads.
"Um... okay and when did this occur?"
"Approximately six days ago."
"Have you sought professional medical help? Do you you have a referral?"
"No ma'am. I was following the RICE protocol but my family in Taos recommended I seek professional help after seeing the bruising."
"Okay, and where are your parents?"
"I'm an emancipated minor. I have my paperwork."
"Okay then, you'll need to fill out these forms, and once that's done you'll wait to be called back."
"Thank you." Cal nods, taking the clipboard from the nurse and a pen before she adjourns to one of the seats in the waiting room and begins filling the forms on autopilot.

Robby's name flashes across the TV screen along with Miguel's... Miguel was here... in this hospital. Still comatose from the sound of it, which sent a pang to Cal's heart for both him and Robby.
"It's been nearly a week since the all out karate riot at West Valley High left a young man fighting for his life." Cal turns away from the television, limping over to the nurses' station.

"The boy, the one on the television... he's here?" Cal asks quietly.
"Legally I can't comment on the status of another patient."
"No... right of course. I'm sorry that was rude of me. It's just, I know him. I'm worried."
"That's understandable. But again, I can't comment... If I could comment I would say that it's possible someone is in the ICU still due to being comatose, but said individual is not brain dead and all normal bodily processes are still being done while comatose. It's also possible that there's been an increase in an individual's rapid eye movement as if he's dreaming."
"That's nice to hear... for that individual of course." Cal offers the nurse a smile in thanks before moving back to her chair.

She waits nearly an hour before they get her back. The doctor looked at her swollen, purple ankle and immediately asked to do an MRI with contrast.
"I hated that with every fiber of my being." Cal tells the nurse wheeling her back to her room.
"Yeah loud and the dye makes you feel like you pee yourself, not a good time." The nurse agrees with a soft laugh, helping her get into the hospital bed.
"When will the radiology report be done?"
"Depends on how backed up we are, could be minutes, could be hours." Cal nods.
"Is there anything I can get you?"
"Oh no, thank you though." The nurse nods and leaves the room, letting Cal sit alone with her thoughts.

She has no one now. She's alone. She doesn't have the boy she loves, the family she wanted, the friends that listened - everyone is gone, just like that. She's been alone before, but this time it feels different. It doesn't feel ephemeral, it feels permanent. The thought saddens her to her very core. She lost everything over things that others did. She had no control and no say, everything was out of her hands and everyone made bad choices, including her.

She doesn't realize tears have been falling down her face until a gentle hand comes over her own.
"Hey." That's not the voice she wanted to hear, but she looks up all the same, moving her hand away from the outstretched one.
"Why're you here?" Cal asks.
"They called us... you put us down as an emergency contact? I thought you wanted us to be here?"
"No. It was an accident, I was just on autopilot. You can go." Cal says dismissively, not meeting Amanda's eyes.
"Cal... please honey."
"No, I don't need to mother of the girl who put me here to console me."

"What're you talking about?"
"Sam didn't tell you? Figures." Cal scoffs.
"Maybe you could? Tell me that is."
Cal sighs, "She kissed Robby..." Amanda gasps, quickly shaking her head.
"No, no, she wouldn't do that to you!"
"Do you think she would have done this to my ankle?!" Cal rips the covers from her, showcasing the disgusting bruised and puffy flesh of her ankle.
"Oh god... oh honey..." A tear falls from Amanda's eye, "I am so sorry. I... I don't know why she would-"
"I do. I tried to protect her at first from the girl she was fighting but she tried to pull the sister card after she kissed my boyfriend so I let the girl fight her but not before she grabbed my leg and twisted it! I've been walking on the damn thing for a week because I didn't want to chance seeing any of you!"

Amanda looks to the crying girl, clearly in pain insurmountable, and it was partially her fault.
"I am so sorry honey. If we had known-"
"But you didn't because we didn't trust you not to fly off the handle. I was terrified we were going to be yelled at and I was going to run again. I was scared that the house was going to be filled with loud voices and throwing things because that's how it always starts. I can't live like that, and I won't. Your house isn't safe for me anymore. Do you know how terrified I've been? How alone? I have no one! I had half a mind to go back to Taos and just hope for the best!" Cal sighs, picking at the bed linens, "I'm only here for Robby. He promised me he would still look for me and that he wouldn't be far. But I lost him too and now... now I live in a hotel."
"Oh honey... we don't want that for you. We don't want that for anyone. You will always have a place at home. I know it doesn't feel like home now and I'm sorry for that."
"No, see that's the worst part - it does feel like home." Cal whispers, moving her blanket back over.

"Miss Guerrero- oh! Is this your mother?" The doctor asks.
"No. She's not."
"Amanda LaRusso, old family friend." Amanda explains offering her hand to shake.
"Dr. Bodkin. Well, I have good news and bad news."
"It's a grade three sprain, full tear to the medial ligament, could need surgery in the future if it doesn't fix itself." Dr. Bodkin looks shocked before nodding, "And the good news?"
"You'll be able to use the elevator at school." She tries, making Cal laugh softly.
"Thank you Dr. Bodkin."
"We'll give you some anti-inflammatory medication, a boot, and a referral for a physical therapist. You're looking at anywhere from six to twelve weeks of healing. We also recommend that you continue the RICE protocol whenever possible." Cal nods in understanding, shaking the doctor's hand before she leaves to get a nurse to grab her boot and discharge paperwork.

"Cal, we'd really like to have you back home. No yelling, no throwing things. I'll even get Sam to leave you alone until you're ready to speak to her. But you need people right now. You're seriously injured and unable to do normal tasks. If... if you refuse, I'll understand and we will pay for your hotel stay. But we would really like for you to come home." Amanda explains softly, wiping her eyes quickly before Cal can see, but the girl sees anyway, she always does.
"I... I can't see Sam."
"I understand. She's... she's hurt too, not to this degree but she's mostly been staying in her room. I'll explain to her that she will not be allowed to speak to you until you allow it and she should not bother or antagonize you. I'll even make sure she's in her room when you come back so you can get comfortable again. We will also be paying for your physical therapy. It's the very least we can do." Cal takes a moment but nods, albeit reluctantly.
"Dr. Kim said I'll need help around if I want to heal properly and since Robby is MIA, I have no one so I'll take what I can get. But we aren't family, and we aren't friends, I'm a tenant - that's it."
"I'll take what I can get." Amanda smiles.

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