[Cookie Run: Kingdom] Prune Juice Cookie x Créme Knights! Reader

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Requested by: TheSwagTomato
I spent like five minutes looking up French pastries for this. I should've just named them all 'Paladin Student Cookie 1-5'.But no.
Also this was fun to write.

Coming to Parfaedia had to be one of the biggest annoyances (C/F) Cookie had ever had to deal with. So what if they were on an important mission! They don't know anything about this place!

About a week before, (C/F) Cookie and a few of her fellow students had been called into the Preceptor's office and given a mission to handle to test how ready they were for graduation.

"A few Masked Cookies were spotted in Parfaedia. We require you to assist, to the best of your abilities, in their capture." The Preceptor had said.

While they had been excited at the time, (C/F) Cookie quickly realized that was a mistake. Parfaedia is so dark and cold in comparison to the bright and shining Republic. No wonder the Cookies here were so disconnected from the Celestial Light! There's hardly any sunlight even!

"Ugh. I can't wait to go home." They complain to their fellow Paladin Academy students. Six of them had come to Parfaedia and they had split up into groups of three to cover more ground.

"Focus (C/F) Cookie." One hisses back, rolling her eyes, "The sooner we find these masked menaces, the sooner we can leave." She doesn't like them very much, which is fine because they don't like her either.

"Easy for you to say, Profiterole Cookie." Pain Au Chocolat Cookie scoffs, gritting his teeth as he adjusts his grip on his sword and looks around.

"Whatever." She shakes her head, "Just look out for anyone who looks suspicious."

"We're not exactly in the Republic." (C/F) Cookie reminds her. "What's normal here might be suspicious there."

"Your attitude is going to ensure we never finish this mission." Profiterole Cookie stomps her foot in rage, "That's it. I'll find them myself." With that she storms off.

"Good riddance." They roll their eyes.

"Look, (C/F) Cookie," Pain Au Chocolat Cookie sighs, "if you're not going to take this mission seriously then go find something else to do. Just don't cause trouble. I don't want the Preceptor to get mad at all of us because of you."

"Fine." They turn up their nose and storm off for the market square.

Stupid classmates. Stupid mission! They wanted to be back home training! Aren't missions like these supposed to be for specialized groups of paladins?

Just then they spy a face they recognize, "You!"

"Hmm?" The dripping hat of Prune Juice Cookie turns to her from where he's sitting behind a stand, selling potions, "Me? What can I do for you?"

"You're that Cookie who won the Tri Cone Cup." They frown.

"Ah, a paladin from the Créme Republic." He chuckles, "How can I help you today? Can I interest you in some potions?"

"...Are you going to make me buy something if I want to ask you questions?"

"Glad we're on the same page. Business comes first after all." He chuckles.

Sighing out their annoyance, they retrieve their coin pouch, "What do each of these do?"

"Well, all of these here are the ones I used in the tournament. These over here are special brews I've come up with since, made with much more complex formulas."

"What do they do?" They don't know anything about potions so all these dark colored flasks look the same to them.

"Well, this here is my Leave Me Alone potion that briefly turns the drinker invisible. This one is a Not Today potion that makes the drinker violently sick. This one—."

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