[OMORI] Hero x Reader

361 13 12

Written for I_am_not_a_rob0t

Alternatively titled 'Hot Shoulders'

That's right! I, as your loving friend, did it anyway!

It was nearing the end of your summer break from college and you and (F/N), a friend you had made in your first year of high school after you sat right next to each other in three different classes, decided to go to the beach one last time before you went back to college.

It was a pretty standard beach visit. You both swam a little, chatted about life and other stuff, helped a few little kids build sandcastles. But as it became the late afternoon, you decided to grab some shaved ice from a stand on the other side of the beach.

Sticking mostly to the edge of the water, going around the people and items strewn across the sand, it was fantastic!

Until you tripped on a rock under the water.

Now you were expecting, at worst, a mouthful of sand and a horrible feeling in your nose.

You were not expecting to fall face first into someone else's back.

Unfortunately, this is what happened.

Your face smacked against a shirtless guy's upper back, right around his shoulder blade.
Your nose felt like it was broken and you felt super awkward as you had to push yourself off of him. Awkward enough that you were speechless.

He turns around to look at you with a concerned expression on his face, where you see that he is... even more unfortunate for you.... The most attractive man you have ever seen.

Then he does what you were not expecting.

"I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" He asks.

Why was he apologizing?! You're the one who just face planted in his back!

"Yeah." Your voice is significantly higher and quieter than usual as you try you best to not totally lose it, "I'm ok. I'm the one who's sorry."

"Are you sure?" He asks you.

You really want to dive into the ocean to prevent you from embarrassing yourself further.

"Yeah." Your voice cracks back into your normal tone, "Yeah, I'm sure."

It becomes awkward and quiet. Apparently neither of you know what to say, and your friend is not helping you out and saying anything.

Attempting to think of something to make the situation less awkward, you manage to say the most embarrassing thing you have ever said in your life.

"You have hot shoulders?"

It takes you five seconds to register what you had said.
Some other kid, who you assume was with the boy, immediately bursts out laughing. (F/N) joins in moments before you realize what you had said.

"Ohmygosh, Idon'tknowwhyIsaidthat! Notthatyourshouldersaren'thotbecauseallofyouisveryattractive—! YouknowwhatI'mjustgonnaleavebeforeIsay anythingtoembarrassmyselffurther!Bye!" You grab (F/N)'s wrist and run away as fast as you can towards the shaved ice stand.

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