[Cookie Run: Kingdom] Capsaicin Cookie x Reader

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Requested by: ImohAGAIN

This isn't very long, so I hope it fits what you wanted from me. I woke up yesterday and decided I wanted to write this.

(C/F) Cookie had never really fit in at Scorvilla. They were probably the only Cookie there who was annoyed by the Headmaster's guitar playing, hated the spicy heat of the Dragon's Valley, and—above all—despised Capsaicin Cookie with a burning passion.

Had it not been for him, they would be the top student of Scorvilla. Though that's only because they seemed to be the only Cookie with a brain on the entire campus—including the Headmaster.

So being sent on a fetch-quest assignment with Capsaicin Cookie felt like an insult.

"Come on, (C/F) Cookie!" He yells back at them, "You can walk faster than that."

"Make me." They grumble in response. They were purposefully dragging their feet, which was going to make this take a lot longer... But at least they wouldn't have to see his annoying face right next to theirs the whole time.

Capsaicin Cookie sighs, stopping to wait for them. He still has an encouraging smile on his face as they drag their feet past him, and he casually walks beside them.

"Are you sure this is even the right way?" They scoff.

"I'm pretty sure it is, yeah." He nods, digging through his pockets to retrieve the map the Headmaster had given them, "Looks like it on here at least."

(C/F) Cookie peers over his shoulder to confirm this. Best they see too and not get dragged the wrong way because he's holding the map upside down. Despite their best efforts to find some fault, it appears he isn't stupid enough to not know how to read a map. "Whatever." They shoulder past him, continuing across the barren expanse of volcanic rock.

"We should be careful moving forward." Capsaicin Cookie continues to walk alongside them, glancing around. "This area is known for having sporadic eruptions."

"And that isn't your doing, Spice Overlord?" They scoff.

He averts his gaze, awkwardly rubbing the chains on his wrists.

"We don't have all day." (C/F) Cookie presses onward at their slow, begrudging pace. They don't once look back at Capsaicin Cookie following them.

After many long hours of trekking, the two finally stop in front of a large cave opening.

"So this is the place, huh?" (C/F) Cookie stares into the cave, "Not the most safe looking..."

"The crystal we came for should be at the back, yeah." Capsaicin Cookie looks at the map. "But you're right; the inside of the cave is undoubtedly unstable. We should stay close together just in case something happens."

"Right." (C/F) Cookie nods. Festering in rage would make this far more dangerous.

Stepping into the cave, the heat immediately becomes suffocating. It felt as though (C/F) Cookie was being baked again, yet Capsaicin Cookie doesn't even react.

"I think this path will take us the right way." He points down one way of a fork in the road, "The Headmaster wrote directions for inside the cave and that's what they say at least."

"Lead the way." (C/F) Cookie gestures, feeling sick of the heat already.

Capsaicin Cookie gives them a hard, searching look before frowning, "Hey, you don't look so good. Maybe you should wait outside."

"I'm fine." They grit their teeth. It will be pushing their limits, but their ego won't let him be right.

He shakes his head, "Whatever you say..." He offers them his hand, "Come on. Let's go."

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