[OMORI] Sunny x Reader

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This is self indulgence. Please leave me alone.

You had always liked the quiet boy.

You met him when he, his friend Kel, and you were put together for a group project when you were all in fourth grade. Kel had been the only one to verbally say anything the entire time, and it was mostly to his friend, but you and Sunny by far did more of the assignment while Kel just said random nonsense. The two of you hadn't needed words to do the simple assignment without argument.

But that wasn't what you liked about him.

Whenever you saw him by himself he always stared off into space, making you wonder what he could possibly be thinking about.
It was probably a little creepy that you thought about it so much, but you just couldn't help but wonder.

And you could never muster up the courage to say anything to him or his friends.

Even when you saw the little group having a picnic in the park, Sunny being his usual quiet self, his sister Mari smiling as they all joked around, Kel doing Kel things, Aubrey with a bright and joyful smile, Hero acting like an awkward mess, and Basil doing his best to contribute to the conversation. You just didn't have the courage to ask if you could join.

You knew all of them briefly (you had spoken to each of them before when Kel recognized you at the park), you knew they were all very nice people and definitely wouldn't turn you away. You just couldn't do it.

You were actually like that with most people.

If you didn't realize by now you were actually a very lonely person. Left alone to constantly be with your fantasies.

No one seemed to notice you were always alone. Maybe the way assumed that your friends just weren't with you or they saw you talking with other people that you barely knew and assumed they were your friends.

But the only person you felt like you really knew was the silent boy who sat next to you in class, silently staring out the window. The two of you were often put together on assignments because you sat next to each other. You both understood that 'working together' meant doing it on your own, not speaking to each other. That was just the way the two of you liked it.
There was that one awkward time the teacher made you actually talk to each other, where both of you exchanged maybe two words of agreement (barely glancing at each other) before doing it alone.

You were actually crushed when you heard what happened to Mari. You may not have known her super well, but you saw what it did to the rest of them, and when you saw them all together before you felt like you knew them.

Kel seemed at a lose and tried to move on quickly. Aubrey was desperately trying to reach out to the rest of the group (you had almost talked to her then, but you didn't want her to feel worse). Hero was at a different school, but you barely saw him around town at all. Basil became very reserved, as if he was traumatized by the whole thing. But you saw Sunny for maybe a few more weeks before you never saw him again.

But life moves on, no matter how hard you try to pretend it doesn't.

You had begun to fill your time by sitting in the trees in Faraway Park, getting dragged places by your parents, and helping around whenever you saw signs asking for it.

So it was a pretty normal day when you were just chilling in your house, doing whatever it is you do. You were waiting for the pizza your dad had ordered and knew it should be arriving soon.


Opening the door you are met with a very unsure looking delivery boy.

"Thanks! You must be an intern filling in for Joey today. I'm certain he's sick after..." You start to say before stopping yourself. It was not your place to say what had made Joey sick. "Anyways, thanks. I know that it's next to impossible to read that chicken scratch."

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