[Cookie Run: Kingdom] Prune Juice Cookie x Reader

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Requested by: The very first thought I had when I saw him.
I'm also pretty sure he endorsed it because after I started it, I pulled him like 3 times in one 10 pull-

This is technically a surprise-dere, but like... it's me. Is it that much of a surprise?

Starting at the Parfaedia Institute was a lot harder than (C/F) Cookie expected it to be. They couldn't quite catch on to the class material and their focus failed them almost every time they attempted to cast a spell. They were probably the worst student Parfaedia had ever seen, and it wasn't because of a lack of trying.

They worked as hard as they could, but they just couldn't understand the material! They talked to their professors after class, they read the books they could on it, practiced whenever they could, but nothing ever helped. They just couldn't get it. But just when they were ready to give up, they met him.

"Uh, hi!" They squeak as they push open the door to the potions classroom and find only a student inside, working on some potion. "Do you know where our potions Professor is?"

Sharp, bright blue eyes shift in their direction, annoyance crossing the Cookie's face before his expression smoothes into a placid smile. "I'm afraid not, though if you have questions about potions, I would be most happy to answer. I just have to finish this formula first."

"Oh..." They watch as he turns back to his work, "Ok." Not really sure what to do with themself, they step inside and close the door.

They're pretty sure they've heard of this Cookie before. Prune Juice Cookie, the student body potions expert. He even sells his second to none brews to anyone willing to pay. He's always been rather antisocial though, so chances are them being here at all annoys him–like the way he initially looked at them–and he's just hiding that in hopes they'll pay him for his help.

"There we are." He corks a flask as he turns back around to them, "Now, what is it you need help with?"

"Uh, well..." They fiddle with their hands, dropping their gaze to the floor, "I've still been trying to master a few basic potions we've been doing in class... The professor said they'd help me..." Their volume slowly drops until their voice dies in their throat.

"Oh?" His narrow eyes examine them curiously, "So you must be (C/F) Cookie."

They were used to random students recognizing them at this point. They were so bad at magic it was a miracle they were still at the school. Nodding timidly, they confess, "Yeah..."

He snickers. He lifts the newly corked potion and immediately tests them, "Would you mind telling me what this is? Just from appearance if you can."

"Um..." There is no way they can do that! Is he just asking them to make fun of them?

"Can't do it? Well that's a shame." He grins, "Perhaps a sip would make it more recognizable."

"Uh...!" They don't trust him.

"Oh please," he strolls over to them, pulling the cork off the flask, "I make potions, not poisons. Here." He pushes the bottle in their hands.

"A-alright." Here goes nothing! They take a small sip of the potion and immediately feel lightheaded and dizzy. The bitter taste almost made them spit it out.

One gloved hand snatches the flask before it falls from their hands, and the other catches under their arm. "An immediate reaction." Prune Juice Cookie says with a bright smile, "How do you feel?"


"An... unhelpful summarization." He chuckles. By the time he re-corked the flask and set it back on the table, the effects of the potion had already worn off.

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