[Hollow Knight] Pale King x wyrm! Reader

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[ok this one is going to be before the Infection for context. The time period just after Hallownest was established.]

Walking through the streets of the beautiful city filled the newly reborn wyrm with wonder and amazement.

Of course, other people were avoiding them, muttering to each other as the creature passed, but that didn't matter to them. They were too fixated on the gorgeous view of everything.

You were too dazzled by the new place to care for the others around you.

You had only recently become the smaller being you now were. Your visions had told you that it was important for you to come here when you did. So here you are now!

Oh boy, you're glad you trust your wyrm abilities! You've missed out on this incredible place if you didn't!

Not that other people were too reassured by seeing another wyrm, one that wasn't their glorious King.

If you possessed the same powers as him, then what would you do to the kingdom? What would you do to the beauty of Hallownest?

You eventually were stopped by some of the city guards on your excited exploration of the new place.

"Come with us please." They said.

You didn't say anything, but silently followed them.

They lead you down to a place where the rocks where dull and gray, rather than the blues and reddish colors of the city above.

As you looked around, you realized they were leading you in the direction the signs with a wyrm engraved on them were pointing. But you lacked the knowledge of the place to know what that meant.

They guided you to a cleft in the rock, which you easily scaled, but the city guards could not.

Just your luck that they couldn't fly.

But that didn't seem to be a problem because you found yourself looking upon two enormous armored creatures, clearly made to protect something else, standing just ahead of you. Intimidated by the strange beings, you looked down to see if that was an option.

It wasn't, the city guards were still there.

"Do you... want me to pull you up...?" You ask the figures bellow you nervously.

"No. Just continue to the Palace of the King."

Ok then... guess you knew where you were going now. Not that it eased your nerves about passing the other, clearly more dangerous Palace guards.

Clearly whoever their King was had given into the temptations of glory and built an empire to prove his capabilities.

A fate you strive to avoid until your dying breath, even if you still feel the urge to seek worship and power. Your visions had told you well enough that you would destroy yourself by pursuing such instincts of your species. That it would cloud your sight and your ideals would overtake the truth of your seeing abilities.

Finally mustering up the courage to approach the pair of guards, you were amazed when they turned, and also escorted you, though this time by means of pushing you onward, up to the Palace entrance.

Oh. No thanks.

Not that you had a choice...

You were pushed into the castle and the doors closed behind you.

Hmm... whoever made this place definitely liked space. The ceilings were so high above you that there was no way you could see them when you tried to look up at them. People didn't seem to notice you, thankfully, as you stood there, unsure of where to go.

Fandom oneshot book [Requests open]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora