Announcement+ Sneak Peek!

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Hello again lovely readers! Sorry for the lack of oneshots, but I have news! I'm working on another fic! I'm still going to write my oneshots, but I'm also writing a Varigo fic in which the become parents! So instead of a oneshot, here's a little sneak peek of that fic!

You must be the Ruddiger family. I'm Headmistress Marie. Right this way." The couple followed the imposing woman inside the building. The sight nearly broke Hugo's heart. Children of all ages were running around in shabby clothes and bare, dirty feet. Many of them looked malnourished and sickly. And the bruises- Hugo could only imagine how they'd gotten there. Headmistress Marie continued explaining the ages they had and to come find her after they selected a child. Varian gave Hugo's hand a squeeze.

"Let's split up and meet some kids." Hugo nodded and kissed his husband quickly.

"Meet back here in an hour?" Varian nodded and smiled before heading off in the opposite direction. Hugo stood in the entry for a moment before going to interact with some kids. Many shied away and hid from him, but some stayed closer, curiously gazing at him. Hugo smiled and chatted with the ones who stayed for a while before his eyes landed on one child in particular.

He had reddish-gold curls that were matted and dirty. His feet were, like many of the other kids, bare. The sleeves of his too large shirt hang over his hands. He couldn't have been older than 4. Hugo slowly and carefully approached the toddler and smiled kindly at him, even as his heart ached at the way the boy flinched.

"Hello. What is your name?" The child stared at him while chewing on the sleeves of his shirt for a moment before speaking softly.

"My- my name is Elio." Elio shuffled his feet shyly, his big gray-blue eyes never leaving Hugo, who smiled warmly at the little one.

"Hello Elio. My name is Hugo." Elio raised one hand in a small wave. The poor boy was obviously very shy around adults. Hugo had a feeling this was the one he wanted to raise.

Well that's all for now! I'll have the first chapter up soon! Keep your eyes peele for that if you're interested! Until then, stay weird!

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