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Madison pov

I rub my sleepy eyes, shoving my shades back onto my face annoyed as to why we are all up at the ass crack of day break.

       " you may be asking yourself why have you all been summoned outta your sleep this early" the provincial states while pacing back and fourth. " well  SOMEONE decided it was okay to wreck school property" she says while standing by the girls restroom.

Oh god the mirror


As im showering i began singing about all this pent up sexual emotional  frustration. But Just outside my shower i heard a noise.

       Oh god did i forget to lock the door again.

I quickly pull back the curtains to catch the perv red handed. Only to be meet by the eyes ive been longing for, ever since we meet. Before i can even respond im quickly shoved back into the shower attacked by very soft passionate lips. I couldn't help but to respond to the tingling sensation running through my body making it hard to concentrate, as he held my hands above my head pressing himself against me igniting a flame throughout my whole body. Lifting me with such ease making me automatically wrap my leg around him for support .

     He pulls back slightly resting his forehead on mine. His gaze holding mine with so much passion and desire.

         "May i have you" he says in a low husky tone as his lips brushes mine.
Before i knew it, the words flew out my mouth.

     "yes"  saying breathless as i feel his hard member against my throbbing core.

He takes no time slowly entering me in one motion, making me gasp stopping him in his tracks looking as if im some fragile doll.
He settles for only giving me half thrusting in and out in smooth rhythmic motion sending shivers done my spine

     Ugh i need the rest of him. NOW

    " i want all of you " i say in a whimper while trying to lower myself more down his long shaft.

   His eyes darken and before i know it my face was against the full body mirror while he grabs a fist full of my hair forcing me to look at myself,  he fulfills my wishes and gives me ALL of him.
  Loud moans escape my mouth echoing off the walls as he slams into me repeatedly and roughly in all the best ways, making my knees buckle a bit while one of his free hands keep me upright. Before neither him or i can finish i turn him around only to slam him in the mirror causing it to shader. Before i can get on my knees he stops me half way and lifts me bridal style.
    " dont want you getting hurt baby girl" he states while whisk us away to his room.

        His room definitely looks worse
*end of flashback *

I shake my head as i bite my nails Reminisce at our steamy encounter, i look up only to see felix smug face causing me to look away and blush hard.
Apparently, now we all got curfew everyone in and no one out by 9. At this point im in my room on cloud 9 when there's a knock at the door. I hop off the bed cheerfully and open the door with a big grin plastered on my face, but that all lasted about .2 seconds as I'm face to face with the top bitch herself.

       " what" i say annoyed
She steps in my room allowing herself in.

        She clearly lacked manners.

Rolling my eyes I close the door as I'll turn around, but I jumped at the sudden closeness of Brookes face to mine.

   " what do you think your doing? With felix, i smelled you all over him "  her nostrils are flaring at this point

                " im his-" is All I get to say before Im cut off.

   " Listen, I don't care where you think this is going but its not far. If you haven't forgot you're a vampire and he's a wolf and not just any wolf an "alpha" so even if by the slightest chance he's interested in you. it will never happen he has his pack to think of, stay .away. from.whats mine"  With that being said she shoved me out the way leaving me in my thoughts.

She was right i don't know how a vampire like me is mated to a wolf but one thing i do know is cross breeding is punishable by death, and i  also know i can't deny the dying feelings i have to see him just to be in his presence. As the day goes on Felix is no where to be found almost like he's avoiding me i didnt even see him at the fight. tomorrow is the last day and I can't help but feel anxious knowing that he is leaving we have so much to discuss.
Heading towards my room dragging my book bag behind me in a daze as my legs are on auto pilot. I stop, not in front of my door but his, i bit my lower lip contemplating if i should knock. i left my hand above the door working up the courage it swings open revealing BROOKE. My heart shattered into a million pieces, as i stare at her half naked body.

      " had to Get your wretched scent off him" she says shoving pass me leaving the door wide open.

I walk in with all the blood drained from my body as I begin to feel nauseated

    Maybe shes just trying to get under my skin, he wouldn't do that we shared something...special.

I say more trying to convince myself. As Felix Emerged from the bathroom all my reasoning went out the window as i stepped closer and smelled her scent all over him. My vision goes blurry as I blink back tears, his face was motion less. I Couldn't bare it im a complete idiot, i ran right out of there not caring where my feet carried me some mate bond .
Felix pov
As i watch my mates tear filled eyes it makes my heart ache knowing that i caused this. I let her go for her own good to my wolfs dismay,  i begin packing i have a long ride home  nut i catch myself thinking of her more times then i can count.

         Goodbye .

I really wanted to keep adding to this but it was already becoming pretty lengthy whats yall opinion should i add more drama to this chapter?

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