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I open my eyes only to forcefully shut them again do to the blazing sun, i hiss at the slight stinging sensation with my eyes tightly shut i begin to feel around for my shades.wv

" here " says a familiar voice as they hand my shades

Looking at me soo intensely was Demi eyeing me carefully. I sit up only to be pushed down by her hands as she looks a little puzzled.

" two things 1–you totally kicked ass out there ! i would've forfeited just by looks alone. 2 your a fast healer you know, something like your injury would take me a day tops to be 100%" she state the last part while poking me.

"Okay okay miss friend or not stop poking my patient " the nurse says from her desk

Demi puts her hands up in defeat while backing away and sitting in the chair while giving me a better view of the room. In the corner i see a figure, not just any figure though .

My heart races " felix?"

The nurse chimes in from her desk
" oh yes, this young fellow and your friend here carried you once they found you in the hall slumped over, good thing too i had to pop a couple of your bones in place before they healed incorrectly. So Now , how are you feeling"

" honestly just slightly sore but definitely healed "

" healed completely in 2 hours thats a record, now off you all go, catch up on rest" the nurse exclaimed practically shoving us out.

She must not know what still slightly sore means

I roll my eyes as i look back to my friend who was no longer there but in her absence stood the only other one i wouldn't mind being in my presence -felix.

"So" we both start

" i" we say in unison again

We cant help but to laugh this time. Before he can get another word out i cover his mouth with my black leather gloves still attached to my hand.

" thank you " i say looking away while removing my hand and blushing.

" Anytime - may i walk with you to your room?" He ask looking at me with those eyes

I snapped my head towards him so fast i about gave myself whiplash

" of course " i say offering him a small smile.

He looked a little puzzled before shaking his head outta his own little trance. As we start heading down the long halls felix turns to me

"Why do you always where shades "

He cant be serious?

" im a vampire " i say like its the obvious thing in the world even extending my fangs for show

"I knew that its just -" he trails off while rubbing his neck " its just in the cafeteria i see you eat food more then drinking blood "

I shrug my shoulders and respond with the obvious i don't mind human food, not before teasing him about stalking me of course but to be completely honest the taste of food is actually pretty good to me, while other vamps will explain it as tasteless chalk that gives them stomach issues. i honestly just consider myself lucky.
We began walking slower stopping every now and then to prolong departing. We played 20 questions until we reached my door far to soon . We exchanged good night's and parted ways.

Felix pov

Seeing her in those halls covered in blood nearly gave me a heart attack not because i care for her. She just looked so helpless an lifeless, Seeing her up made my Ridgid tense body relax into utter relief. Im glad her friend left to give us time alone i dont know who this girl is but im determined to know. After departing ways, way to quickly in my opinion i made my way to the showers. After about 20 minutes i get out the shower wrapping a towel on my lower waist an making my way towards the mirror wiping the fog away .

My wolf has been on edge since we got here and neither of us know why signing in frustration while running my fingers in my damp hair. As i turn and walk away i hear the most angelic voice stopping me in my tracks.

"Baby the sound of you is better then an harmony i want you off my mind and on me holding closer then you ever did before-"

My timid wolf seem to relax at the melody, and before i knew it my legs drifted us towards the girls bathroom where im contemplating on peering over to see who it is. I Decided against it as i turn on the balls of my feet only to send one of her slippers Flying across to room making noise. Next thing i know a head pops out the shower startling both of us, but when my eyes locked into Madison's eyes for the first time fireworks begin to go off meanwhile my heart is skipping multiple beats, im sure of it .

"Mine" i growl while shoving us both in the shower
I press my lips into hers hungrily and she quickly follows not missing a beat. Her lips so juicy, smooth, she taste amazing, cant wait to taste other parts . Groaning into her mouth at the thought i quickly lift her up and she instantly wrap her legs around my waist, i find myself already obsessed with her touch.

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