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i finish up packing take one last look around my room. It so hard to say goodbye, i hate it. But of course not even two seconds into reminiscing the twins come barging in my room.

"So can i have your room" liam asked while shoving his hands in his pockets.

Facing both of them " you know not even 2 seconds ago i was thinking i was gonna miss this place but you know whatt! I yell the last word making them both flinch as i gracefully walked towards them, an continued.

"- ima miss you guys the most of all"

I say in a soft whisper as i pull them into emotional bear hug. They were like my brothers all of them are in one way or another.
After all my rounds of goodbyes i head toward the front where the taxi awaits to whisk me away to my new beginning where hopefully i find out more about the woman i am becoming .
3 hrs later i see a big white castle i cant help but to let my mouth hang open. It was gorgeous the big white historic building lay on a bed of water , making the moon hit the water perfectly acting as a natural light as the reflection lit up the castle.
I was brought back to reality when the taxi driver stomps on his brakes causing me to face plant with the passenger seat. Cussing the driver out internally not wanting to cause trouble on my first day, i look up to glare at him through the rear view mirror.

"This is as far as i go kid get out" he says a little to harshly

Scrambling out the car as quickly possible i stare at the castle not even bothering to thank the extremely rude drive. Slowly walking towards the bridge with other attendees i cant help but let my nerves get the best of me .
Entering the school we waited for our names to be called as we were grouped up with different adults to show us to our dorms. As all the girls are partnered up and already put in rooms i realize, its just me. Again. Walking toward the back of the castle the lady stops in front of a brass door.

" since you were accepted last minute we had to do last minute arrangements, if this is not to your liking you can always wait till next year to get an actual dorm "

With that being said she open the door, it look like it was once an office of some sort but its a pretty decent size. I turn to look at her and say

" this is perfect thank you guys for making room and welcoming me"

She offers me a gentle smile and spines on her heels to disappear down the halls. I set my stuff down and begin exploring my surroundings since it seemed like i was the only one at this part of the castle. While exploring i end up in what looks like the gym but it was completely caged in while bleachers surround it on the outside as if to observe something. The further i go i find a girls bathroom with a shower thats connected to 3 other empty rooms to the right of the wall.
I go through the door by the sink only for it to lead to .... The mens restroom?? It was the same lay out as the girls
I cant help but laugh at this faulty design of connected bathrooms.
Heading to my room there was a cup of blood at my door. I lick my lips not realizing how thirsty i was bring the glass up to my nose feeling the black veins start to pool at the bottom of my eyes as my teeth elongate piercing my bottom lip. I turn my head in disgust, its human blood.
I internally groan as i now have to hunt my food. I actually enjoy it its fun, but looking for an exit into the woods was the real challenge .
After a couple lefts and 2 rights i came to the conclusion that i am lost. Opening two double giant mahogany doors hoping to see the cafeteria i cross my fingers and closing my eyes as i shove the doors open. I slightly slump my shoulders a as i opened my eyes to the abandoned library. Before stepping one foot in the mysterious room someone grabs my shoulder causing me to jump like a startled kitten. My racing heart settles when i realize it was the woman that showed me my room.

" lost are we? Follow me" she states in an erie tone

Soon enough we made it to the cafeteria.
I could kill for a burger right now.
Entering the cafeteria a elderly man in a tux held the the door open with a warm smile
" greetings" he states while bowing his head respectfully.

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