My head

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"Madison... madison" a voice whisper.

I snap my eyes up looking up at the starry night sky. I look at my surroundings as i realize im at the same empty open field but this time theirs no dead bodies.

" madison "

I look around stopping my eyes on the same lady in white at the edge of the field.

" who are you!" I scream.

Without a response she ignores me walking into the woods, causing me to sprint towards her direction. I stop as i lose sight of her.

     Who the hell is that woman?

I turn my head towards the sound of a snapping twig, making eye contact with a huge white wolf with white eyes baring its teeth , But im not scared surprisingly. It steps forward and charges at me as im to stunned to move the wolf knocks me back with its front paws but go's right through me and disappear. I feel all over my body frantically examining myself, as i let out a sigh of relief.

   No injuries, thank heavens!

I get up and dust myself off but am quickly brought to my knees At the immense pain surging to my body. I tried screaming but nothing came out as the crack of my bones filled the cold starry night.

" wake up, wake up" the woman from before comes crutching down next to me her face totally visible now.

Lady Theresa?

    "Wake up!" This time its a mans voice bombing through

I shot up coming face to face with a pair of worried green eyes.

" your burning up, are you okay" he asks while placing the back of his hand on my forehead.

Feeling suddenly over heated i tried getting up but thats the last thing i remember before total darkness.

Felix pov

I ran to the side of the bed scoop her limp body in my arms. She so hot makin her skin almost unbearable, i quickly make it to the nurses office.

     " she wont wake up! Something is wrong" I exclaimed as my vision became blurry.

She rushes over with a thermometer in hand.

"140!! She needs a cold bathe with ice stat"

I waste no time preparing what the nurse requested. Dumping the ice in tub me and the nurse grab each end of her and slowly lower her in. But as soon as we do madison eyes pop open but instead of her usual dark sparkling brown pools her eyes had completely gone white, as she thrashes in the water i try restraining her.

"Whats happening!?" I yell looking over at the nurse, who looks shocked with a hint a fear behind her eyes.

As my mate continues thrashing in the water she lets out the loudest animalistic growl I have ever heard and falls still.

What the fuck.

Me and the nurse exchanged a look of shock. As i fill her in on "everything" down to the mark. I had to tell her, anything to save my mate. She absorbes all this knowledge and remains with the same blank expression.

" from what im hearing the bite may have been the cause of this as you know shes not the same species as your kind- but that being said you both under law will never be able to convince a baby for more then one reason of course, vampires wombs are practically dead" the nurse states.

" with all do respect i have came up with every senerio you could think of, of why we shouldn't be together. But at the end of the day i love her and that has to count for something" i say honestly .

She gives me a slightly nod before going back to her desk. The next morning she still fast asleep making me nervous with each passing hour. But Instead of pacing around like a lunatic i decide to get the classwork we missed.

" hey handsome " a familiar voice speaks

"Brooke, why are you here"

" oh your daddy pulled a couple strings to get me here so we can spend more time together, hes worried about you, we all are"

She slings her arms over my neck but i quickly brush her off .

     " dont worry we got 'plenty' of ways to catch up later"

Before i can protest shes already down the hall.

Madison pov
  i slowly open my eyes as i feel like ive been hit with a ton of brick.

What happened?, where am i?

       " oh good your up i was beginning to fear that you wouldn't?" States the school nurse.

" what happened, how long was i out"

         " about 3 days... you had higher temperatures then i ever did read. my theory is your mark triggered your fever since you and your mate aren't of the same species it caused your body to react"  she states but seems very uneasy then she continues

"- mr felix has been by your side the whole time i just sent him back to his room to rest up"

Deciding i was okay enough to go I thanked her as i get up heading towards felix room. As i reach the door i hear a female's voice. Without a second thought i kick the door down blowing it of it hinges. I turn towards the bed and all i see is red at the sight before me, Brooke was on top of my man. In a blink of an eye i had my hands wrapped around her neck as i look at the life leaving her eyes.

    "Its not what it looks li-" Felix begins but i cut him of .

"Shut up" i said with more authority then intend.

He instantly shut his mouth as I turn my gaze back to brook shaking uncontrollably throwing her through the wall, following her flying body only to catch her mid air and slam her to the floor. As i look over her body it's like I snap back to reality.

" finish her" a voice says.

Who was that?

I look around confused holding my head from the brain splitting headache that appears suddenly. I drop to my knees hold my head over my lap groaning in pain, as a pair of hands rested on my shoulder. If almost by instinct i swiped the persons legs under from under them as i go to throw a punch i realize its felix and i stumble back afraid of myself at this point feeling a new surge of rage ive never felt before. I look apologetically at him and darted off. This is more then the bite i just know it.

" we are at one with each other sweet heart" said a smug voice from my head.

The school amongst school's Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin