Lets begin

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Letting my long luscious curly hair cascade down my back, i fill in the blotches on my dark red lips and adjust my black shades as i make my way to the gym, which thankfully is around the corner so i dont have to worry about getting lost. I make my way to the bleachers with the rest of the school who's surprisingly there already. Hearing the hissing brakes of the busses everyone snaps they're eyes to the side door as atleast a dozen of kids from each school pools in.
I cant help but feel anxious like butterflies erupting in my stomach in anticipation,

for what ? I dont know maybe first time jitters ?

A whole bunch of whispers erupted as i see girls push up their boobs and hoist up their skirts higher then usual. I roll my eyes these horny motherfuckers i can practically taste the sexual arousal in the air making me shift in my seat uncomfortably.
A group of rowdy wolfs come through the door cheering and howling walking with so much confidence like they own the place. I roll my eyes in annoyance at the typical rowdy jocks. And turn my attention to my book.

" omg they are such eye candy, im already getting soaked with there looks alone, what you think " i look up in shock at her words

Where the hell she come from ?

She rested her hand on her chin while she started dreamily at the rody teens as her l brown long curly hair falls over her shoulder onto her lap.

 She rested her hand on her chin while she started dreamily at the rody teens as her l brown long curly hair falls over her shoulder onto her lap

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"I -umh- i i guess" i say nervously at my new company

can you blame me the topic is pretty uncomfortable to talk with an absolute stranger and on top of that it's not like I had many of these conversations back at home. She turns my way and flashes me with her pearly white smile. No seriously without these shades i pretty sure light would be radiating on them.

" im demi from the silver pack" she exclaims while extending her hand towards me

I graciously took it and said

" Madison O'Neill from the group home back home"

She laughs causing me to relax a little, finally someone who appreciates dark humor. We began making small talk apparently she goes here, and this is also her first year. Our conversation was cut short as the woman who showed me around began to speak while pushing her glasses further up her nose,she must be the principal.

" welcome everyone, we are happy to celebrate our 18 year anniversary of freedom high with the battle royal. We are here today because lady teresa made it possible, for us and this school of unity, as she gave her life to put an end to the lycans an Luicd's rain of terror. As we all know this is a week event so do make our guests feel welcomed as they will be staying here on this part of the wing for the duration of they're stay under close SUPERVISION - and remember- "

" NO CROSS BREADING " everyone says in unison.

With that being said we are all told to eat and replenish are energy for tonights fight. Grabbing my tray and sitting at my usual spot demi pulls a seat next to me.

"I wonder if I'll ever find my mate" she states whining playing with her food

" whats a mate?" I shyly ask

" oh Madison, its the best thing that can happen to a girl well - a werewolf one " she tangles her hands near her face and continues while looking towards the sky

"- the all mighty moon goddess bless' s us with a soul mate a person we are meant to have for life thats solely for us and vise versa. I heard everything is Intensify from smell to touch" . She pleasurable shudders externally at that last part.

No wonder wolfs are so horny all the time its a connection forged by gods for heaven sakes.

" how do you find your mate " i questioned fascinated by the wolf world already .

She whimper's " it's sadly only by bare touch when you first touch it sends a shiver down your spine like the whole world stops on its axis but of course not speaking from experience, and also being in close proximity too as you stare right in their eyes" she finishes while staring deeply in my eyes .

" im definitely not your mate love " i stated causing us both to busrt into laughter

" hey, it doesn't hurt to tr—"

She stops mid sentence as she stares off in a daze. I turn to the gaze of her eyes as i see everyone else swooning and eye raping, this beast of a man sculpted by god himself with his grayish green eyes and jet black hair, i couldnt help but swoon a little myself.

" ill be right back " she rushed out will going straight up to him

She begins touching his exposed arm while making obvious amount of eye contact. Earning her envious stares, after a few minutes she begins to stride back to the table throwing herself to the chair crossing her arms .

" what? Not your mate " i stated amused

Shoveling food in her mouth while talking with a full mouth

" i wish he was but nothing, nada not even a spark of interest in his eyes"

We ate the rest of our food peacefully. And went back to the gym where the first pair to fight were both vampires this time .

" lets begin!" Ushered the referee.

I really hope yall enjoy my book so far please leave comments of encouragement to keep these creative juices floating i promise more action n sextual tension to come .

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