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Hey yall im so excited to be making this book. A little heads up i want you to know i dnt plan on making this book very long more like a short story with maybe a series if i get positive feed back from this. Im leaving the twins up to your imagination who would be you perfect twin boys ?And yeass!! H.E.R. Is the main character in this book .also what font do you all like more ?

  Most my life i never felt like i belonged, then again my own parents didnt want me and i literally belonged to them. That would really make a girl feel out place.
Sighing heavily i press send on my resignation letter to freedom high.
  I know what a utterly cliché name for a school. Swiveling my chair around i stand up stretching my sore stiff limbs from sitting in that damn chair all night, i hear my bed calling my name but right when im about to free fall on my bed into utter comfy bliss my door flies open with much force may i add.
          "What the HELL" i shouted not caring if the whole multi universe heard.
        "Give my phone" liam said totally ignoring me

               "No screw you i saw her first" stated Ben

    I groan internally at the twins, they are about 2 yrs younger then me but i swear it fells like they're 5 yrs younger. Always after the same girl and ALWAYS fighting.

        "Madison tell him about bro code" liam exclaimed while baring is fangs at his brother

I already see where this was going, and i refuse for those imbeciles to destroy my room. With my vampire speed i swiftly had a firm grip on each twins throat, chucking one at a time out of my second story window into god know where but who cares. These idiots need to learn how to knock.

Im slowly going insane here

i think to myself a bit longer until i drifting off into blissful sleep.

"Madsion...Madison " someone whipered as i snap my eyes open

I scan the room only, im not in my room anymore! But in a big open field with dead bodies, both werewolfs and vampires
Panic begins to fuel my grogginess away as i search my body frantically for any blood. Thank god, not a drop on me.
Scanning the littered bodies on the once green grass that is now deep crimson color,
I spot a lady in white i can't really make out her at first, but just when i tried to focus on her face i hear something strange.

*knock, knock, knock knock*

Shooting up in my bed frantically im relieved to be back in my not so humble abode.
Rolling outta bed throwing on my shades i open the door to be greeted by the head honcho ms. King,

       "For you"  she stated while thrusting an envelope in my hand treading off to the sound of chaos down the hall.

         Poor woman no wonder shes up tight all the time, shit i cant blame her we've always been the only girls in a foster house of 8.

Closing my door i peer at the piece of paper, nearly all moisture has left my mouth. In my hands hold the answer ive been waiting for as i skim the page it read.

    We are happy to inform you that you have been selected to attend freedom high...

I can't believe it im going to the first ever unity school, at this point im pretty sure im not even breathing. How do you breathe? Oh crap.

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