Chapter 11

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"I think I'm in love, Dad." Becky blurted out.

"Then why are you sad? Being in love is the best feeling in the world." Dad looks at her daughter who's staring at the bright blue sky above them.

"That person doesn't feel the same way, Dad." Becky wanted to cry, but then she refused to.

"Freen doesn't feel the same way?"

"I didn't say a name, Dad."

"Well it's obvious, honey."

Becky heaved a sigh and stayed silent.

"How do you know she doesn't feel the same way? Did she tell you that?" Dad asked her

"No. But it's very obvious. She seems to like somebody else." Her thoughts went back to the person she stalked before playing.

Becky has known Jane because Freen has told about her one time. She always say that she's beautiful just like how Freen told everybody that she finds Becky beautiful when she first saw her.

"One thing you shouldn't do Patricia is to assume things unless stated. You're a law student, you should know that."

"But our guts sometimes pushes us to suspect things and take necessary actions to find more about it." Becky replied.

"So? Find more about it then, honey."

"It hurts, Dad. It hurts to see her treat other people like how she treats me. I know it's immature to feel this way, but I wanted to feel special. I'm bad, aren't I, Dad?"

Tears started streaming down Becky's face and her eyes stings more as her sweat got into her eyes.

'Fck, I totally deserve that'

"Freen is naturally a caring human, Patricia. She cares for you and she cares for other people, that's how she truly is and you can't tell her not to do so." Dad sighs and stares at her daughter who wiped her tears with her sweaty shirt.

"Why don't you tell her you like her, honey"

"No! Dad, it will end everything we have!"

"You're not sure of that."

"I am...I hate how sure I am, Dad."

"I'm always here, Patricia. Whatever happens, you got me, your mom and your brother, okay?"

Becky sat up and hugged her Dad.

It was already evening when Becky and her Dad went back to their house. She was productive that day. Together with her dad, she went to play tennis, eat outside and stroll outside the city. Once they reached home, she had taken a bath and throw herself at the bed and has easily fallen asleep.

By the time she woke up, it was already 5:30 am and her right arm is killing her because of tennis. However, she needs to get up for the shooting of their upcoming movie entitled "Lost time"

Unlike their past series which is a romcom, this movie is a combination of romance and tragedy, a complete drama that broke Becky's heart.

Becky reached the taping area by 6:20 am and P'pop was already there so he started doing the girl's make up.

Freen arrived 5 minutes later and her face clearly states that she's not in the mood.

Freen, Becky and their team was always friendly and comfortable with each other, however they knew when something is up between the two.

Becky was aware that her partner has arrived yet her eyes remained close as P'pop was doing her eyeshadows. Additionally, she's still sleepy so she tried to satisfy it, unaware of the older's mood.

"Why is your eyebrows like that so early in the morning, Freeen" P'pop was finished with Becky and it was Freen's turn.

P'Green has already went to fix Becky's hair and the latter has opened her eyes already.

"Are you okay, P'Freen?" Becky turned to look at the older woman who was looking a little mad.

Freen then looked back at Becky with did-you-seriously-asked-me face.

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