Chapter 1

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"Aren't you tired, Becca?" Freen dumped her body on the couch.

Currently, they are in Freen's condo after an exhausting fanmeet event.

"Of course I am." Becky sat next to her at the couch with a sigh.

"No, not with the fanmeet. Aren't you tired of our set-up? It's repetitive. Freenbeck here, freenbeck there. Aren't you tired of me?" Becky looked at Freen as if examining what she is trying to imply.

There she realized that Becca was Becky's least favorite nickname from Freen—and yet she called her that.

"Are you tired?" Becky does not like beating around the bush. She wants a straight answer so she's asking a straightforward question.

"Honestly, yes."

"Of the repetition or of me?"

Freen looked at Becky and couldn't answer.

"Both isn't it?" Becky flashed a fake smile.

She heaved a sigh and leaned her head on the couch to process everything that's probably going to happen.

"What do you want Freen?" She asked looking at the ceiling.

Freen did the same. The two are staring at the ceiling as if it will show them the answers that they're looking for.

"I want to take a break." Freen stated

"Break from what?"

"...from this ship. It's taking a toll on us, BecBec. It is as if we're just doing what they want us to do." - She called her BecBec, but the butterflies brought by that nickname is being replaced by fear.

"And what exactly do they want us to do, Freen? Please just say what you want to say. We're two mature beings here. Let's not try to sugarcoat our words if they're meant to hurt."

Becky is growing tired, not of Freen, but the ambiguity of the situation.

"They want us to be together for real. Though I'm not closing doors to possibilities, but I feel like a puppet when they tell us things." Becky understands her. Pressure from fans can be too much

"Honestly, I'm not sure if my feelings and emotions for you are actually mine or they are just induced by our fan's desires." Freen added and that actually somehow pinch Becky in the gut.

Becky's always thankful of how caring Freen is towards her. She can feel the genuineness of her actions, and she's happy that she's the only person who truly knows Freen. The exclusiveness makes her feel important.

"Say something please" Freen turned to her side to face Becky who is still staring at the ceiling.

"You can always take a break Freen. No one's stopping you." Becky finally faces Freen.

"How am I supposed to do that, Becky? We are scheduled to be together everyday, especially this month."

That made Becky more sad. Why does she feel that Freen no longer wants her around? She was sure that Freen cares for her but why does she feel this right now?

"I understand. How about we finish all the set schedule for this April, and by May, we ask the agency to stop our projects for the mean time? Or we'll proceed with our individual projects. How about that?" Becky proposed with a smile.

"Are you sure you're okay with that?" Freen asked while staring at Becky.

"Yes. I think you need a break from me and you also need to figure things out by yourself. You're tired, Freen. I don't need you to say it. I just want you to know though that I'm always here. The promise stands forever." Becky stood up before bending and giving Freen a 3 second forehead kiss.

Freen gave her a questioning look.

"Where are you going?" Freen asked

"I'm going to sleep at my condo. You need to rest. I'll ask Richie to come pick me up." Becky said but that put a frown on Freen's face.

"I thought you're sleeping here."

"I remember I have class at midnight and my materials are at my Condo." Becky excused

"Okay then but I brought you here, I should be the one bringing you back to your place." Freen stood up getting her keys, but Becky held Freen's hand as she heads to the door.

"Please, Freen. So both of us can rest." Becky tried to bargain.

"I'm sending you home, BecBec. It's not up for negotiation."

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