Chapter 5

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It's been two weeks since Becky has started her internship, and actually is the last day. She was happy she got to experience and learn a lot of things.

"Going back home?" Her mentor ask as she was collecting her things in the office.

"Yes, attorney. Finally" she smiled genuinely.

2 weeks wasn't a joke. It felt like a year and she felt like she aged a lot during those days.

"Do you think you'll continue being a lawyer?" The attorney again asked. Actually he was strict during the internship. He never babied any of the interns and made sure to yell at them at least once a day for reasons that they are not able to control.

"I've gone this far, attorney. There's no turning back" She chuckled.

After she collected all her things, she bid goodbye to her mentor and other interns who she had been with for two weeks.

It's time to go home.


"Don't you have other friends? You always ask me out. Now I'm broke." Nam complained.

It has been three weeks that Freen constantly asks her out to eat or go shopping. They are currently walking around the mall with hats on and masks to minimize the recognition of fans.

"You should be thankful that I'm putting colors to your boring life." Freen scoffed

"You are the boring in my life, Freen" Nam rebutted so the other girl glared at her.

"I'm not into art. I can barely draw a cloud. I'm broke as we constantly go shopping. Last but not the least, you're making me fat with all the food! Where's your BB, anyway? What's taking her so long." Nam complained again.

Nam wasn't really serious on making her feel bad with her comments. It was just a joke between friends. She was serious on the last question tho.

Freen pouted at the question. "She's not replying to my messages. Neither she returns my calls."

"Ohhh. I thought it's only me."

"What do you mean?"

"She does not reply to me either hahaha. I was telling her how you always asks me out and that I thought I will soon gonna replace her as your girlfriend." Nam told her imbecile remarks.

"She's not my girlfriend, okay?"

Nam rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. You keep telling me that."

"Then why do you keep repeating it."

"Because I don't believe you"

"Wow~ You own my feelings? You know my feelings better than I do? Are you a psychologist now?"

"Why are you so defensive?"

"Because you kept insisting something that it's not!"

"Don't you want to be girlfriends?"

"What are you saying? She's Nong! You're a shipper. Tsk."

"Ohhh, I see. It's just work then? All the sweet things you do, is it just fan service?"

"No. It's real. It's how I take care of her. I also do that to you!"

"As far as I can remember, you don't kiss me like you kiss your Nong." Nam smiled and looked at Freen cheekily.

"Come. I'll kiss you then." Freen felt the urge to kiss Nam to prove her point so she walks closer to her.

"No, thanks. But I'll pass. I don't want to die yet. Your Nong can punch real hard." Nam feared for her life so she walks a little faster to avoid the lips that touched the younger's lips countless of times.

When Freen no longer tries to kiss her, she normalized her walk and unexpectedly saw someone.

"Ohhh. Speaking of the princess." Nam looked at the person beside her who traced Nam's eye sight.

"The princess... with another princess" Nam laughs.

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