"What was that about ?" I whisper to romeo

"Oh that? Hmm im guessing Iglesias didnt like his shirt ,or his whole outfit no idea"

"He looked stressed"

"Oh princess you think because hes nice to you all the time hes never stressed ? GOSH HES LIKE HELL TOO ME hes always moody man"

"You're making him moody"

"All defensive mode over your boyfriend hmmm"

"Hes not my boyfriend "

"Yea you're right,hes your fiance "

Hes my fiance. Not true no no i do not belive this i know he is but it was by force it wasn't all fairy tale engagement.

"Earth to elvira"

"Im gonna go get changed"

"Woah hes getting changed too you want to see him naked soo bad-"

"Im using the bathroom "

He rolls his eyes off me as i get uo and go up stairs i can hear him shout as i jog upstairs i steadily wrap my hand around the handle and open the door wide open

Oh my gosh.

Okay maybe bursting through the door this fast while i heard that he was getting changed wasnt a good idea.

Hes standing tall next to his wardrobe as he looks for his clothes on his racks pushing the racks forward to find what hes trying to find. Hes shirtless. And i am frozen into place i cannot do anything hut look at him ..his perfect body its almost not fair that everything about him is perfect. His toned abs and his musclar arms i need to go i need to run someone come and take me away from here i cannot be here anymore i swear to everything thats holy the moment he spots me looking at him i will die . I will die right now im so embarrassed amd ashamed i need to go i need to close the door very quickly and run away ,back downstairs BUT I CANNOT MOVE.

"Elvira?" no.

"I-i uh Iglesias? " i cock my gead and my face cringes of how ashamed i am

"Is everything okay? Dont worry come in your wardrobe is over there darling "

"Y-yea i know its just that im-"

"Scared? "

"No NO."

"Then what is it ?why that look on your face? "

"Iglesias i walked on you-"

"You walked on me not having a shirt on and looking for a better shirt ? Why is that bothering you so bad am i making you nervous ?"

"Oh nervous? No no im not..you're not making me- i never saw someone ..like that infront of me."

Hes trying so hard not to smile .


I nod fastly multiple times.

"So you admit" hes getting closer to me slowly.


"That im making your nervous?"

Now hes close to me . Hes looking down to me and im looking up to him and my heart is beating out of my chest and i keep truimg to catch my breath but it seems like my breath is running away from my lungs i am nervous that i cant stand i am nervous that i cant speak or move or breath or blink.

Hes touching me . Hes holding my chin slightly and lifts it up abit and he has such a smile on his face

"Your eyes are really pretty when you're nervous elvira"

Ruthless Sweetness (SELF PUBLISHED) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt