[14] Journey together.

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Why is Johnny so stressed..
We still have 10 minutes.
Not my fault if he only tells me 2 hours beforehand.

But maybe I shouldn't have spent more than an hour on the phone with my mother-

But I'm done.
I changed my clothes again, a little more fancy~
I mean, we made it through school!
After I told Johnny I was done, we went to the others.
Mark, who was already there, came up to me and whispered to me »You look really stunning«
What is he doing to me.. My heart is going crazy again.

»Er, I'll go to Chenle's for a moment« I said briefly to him.
When I got to Chenle I asked him »Is Jisung coming too?«
»No, his parents didn't want him to go to a party, so I'll go to him later too«

//Everyone went to the party, had a lot of fun and also had a drink//
»Haechanie, it's time to go, don't get drunk« Mark said to me as he put his arm around my waist.
»Mmmmm, I don't want to«

But Mark just laughed and ran back with me. On the way back we walked side by side in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable.
Suddenly I felt Mark take my hand.
I looked at him and saw how he smiles really happy, he's so cute when he smiles like that.

»Haechan, what do you want to do after school?« he asked me.
»I've been thinking about it for a long time, I don't want to study, so I don't have a precise plan« I answered him.
»Okay, I'll just ask you a question, do you want to go on a trip around the world with me?«

I looked at him confused.
Is he serious?
I've always wanted to see the world, but I couldn't.

»I'd really like to, but I can't afford it« I said sadly.
»Haechan, I didn't ask you if you had the money for it, I asked if you wanted to«
»But you need money for something like that..«
»Haechan, my mother called me today and asked me if I still have my dream, my dream is to become a musician and see the whole world«
»As a graduation present she gave me a camper van with enough money, so if you want you can join me on my trip«
»What, really?!« I exclaimed
»Yeah, am I looking up like I'm joking?«Mark smiled at me
»I'll have to ask my mother first, of course, but hopefully she'll agree!«

I'm so excited.
I hugged Mark and thanked him the whole time for the opportunity.

//Timeskip the next morning after Haechan tells his mother about the world trip//

»Ok mom, see you soon« I said goodbye to her on the phone.
»AND?!« Mark asked me very
excitedly. Mark had been waiting the whole time.
»Mark... SHE AGREED« I shouted.
»YESS« he yelled while picking me up and hugging me.
»Markie, I want to leave as soon as possible«
»Then let's pack up and just drive off«
»But we can never fit all of our things in the car« I worried.
»Then just take the most important things with you«
»... and how should we say goodbye to the others?« I asked him.
»You know, I don't want to cry, so just let them make a video and put it on our Insta story?«
»Oh, don't you think they're evil then?«

Mark just laughed and suddenly started filming.

»Heyy guys by the time you see this video Haechan and I are already on our long and long journey to nowhere, don't be sad we didn't say goodbye, we'll definitely see each other again«

With that, we started our journey together.

When I wrote the chapter I almost cried because I knew this was the end.
If you want to know what happened to Markhyuck and the others, read the last chapter.

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