[10] Interesting Evening.

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»Oh, the gentleman is here too« said Mark, annoyed
»Excuse me I...«
»I don't care about your apology, I want to introduce you to someone, this is Jisung, Chenle's friend, he wants to surprise him today for being here«
»WAIT JISUNG? Did you get here with a Mashiro?«I suddenly addressed him directly.
»Yes I am, how do you know her?«

Woah his voice, somehow I expected such a voice, but then again not.
»Long story and you seem to be dating Chenle?«
»Yes I am, we have been together for 2 years from today«

Even Mark looked surprised, respect that Jisung has put up with him for so long but he loves him so it shouldn't have been too hard?
»Woah, congratulations?«

The way Jisung talks about Chenle is cute, he talks about him like he's the person he wants forever, he adores, just loves 100%.
It's just cute!

»So you two want to stay here in your tracks?« Mark asked as he got into his car. Now I noticed that Jisung had no luggage with him.
»Where's your luggage Jisung by the way?« I asked him as we got on.
»Oh my luggage? This is in the hotel where I will stay with Chenle«
Ohhh, but actually it was clear, the two are together and probably want to have their togetherness.
»Oh that's right, it's actually Clear«

//Timeskip arrived in front of the beach house//

»So Jisung, you'll wait in the car for a few minutes first, because we'd better make sure that Chenle doesn't see you yet, then you could get in through the back door, which is unlocked« Mark explained while he parked the car.

//Carry in after shopping//

So Jisung has just come in and hide behind the kitchen counter, really dangerous because if Chenle suddenly decides to get something, everything would be screwed up. Renjun, who planned this whole action and also took Chenle out of the room, looked very excited. And Chenle, well, a little pissed off why he should suddenly leave the room.

»So Chenle I've put together a little surprise for you with the others«
»Huh, why? it's not my birthday« he asked with an expression that says suspicious. Chenle, who was standing with his back to the counter, looked at each of them.
»So you don't want me here?«a deep voice asked.
»Yes my little dolphin, I am here«
I expected Chenle to be happy to see him, but the first thing he did was walk up to him and smack his arm.

»You're a bloody idiot, at first you ignored me with the stupid excuse that you're busy, I already planned your murder, you bloody hamster-«
Woah, that was direct, but it's Chenle not to expect anything else.
But despite everything, Chenle looks very happy, when you see the two you know immediately that the two belong together. The way those two look at each other, absolutely woah-
The way their eyes shine.

I hope I'll ever find someone who looks at me like that too.

//Timeskip: Everyone ate together and now wants to sing karaoke//

»SOOOOO I'M STARTING!« Jaemin yelled while grabbing the mic.
»LETSSS GOO!« both of his boyfriends yelled. The rest of us just laughed at their behavior.
HUH, that wasn't planned, I didn't actually want to sing, I wanted to laugh.
I couldn't say anything against it because Chenle was already pushing me off the couch, that boy-
»You know that song, Take a Hint?«
Would he believe me if I said no? Probably not.....
Without waiting for my answer, he started the song.



Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like
I can always see 'em coming, from the left or from the right

I don't want to be a priss, I'm just try'na be polite


ut it always seems to bite me in the

Ask me for my number, yeah, you put me on the spot

You think that we should hook up, but I think that we should not

You had me at "hello", then you opened up your mouth

And that is when it started going south

Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips

Stop your staring at my


Take a hint, take a hint!


didn't know what happened but it was so fun to sing, I forgot everything and just felt the song.
»YOU ARE WOW!« shout the others.
I'm done with my life, I can't take it anymore...
//Timeskip 3 hours later (11pm)//
»Sooo, it's really late, Chenle and I would walk slowly then« Jisung said while yawning.
»One of my drivers will drive you« Mark said suddenly.

//After the two left//

»Anyone want to watch another movie?«suggested Mark
»Yeah, I'm in« I don't want to go to sleep yet.
»Well, the three of us are going to take a shower« Jaemin called.Wait.... all 3 together? Mark apparently saw my expression as he suddenly started laughing.

»So just the two of us watching a movie, hmm.. A horror movie?«
Actually No.... But I can't just say that I'm afraid-
»Yes, I'm fine with that, but I'm also going to take a quick shower«
Luckily the house had several showers, I quickly went to my room, found comfortable things and took a quick shower. I could stand in the shower for hours, the warm water running down my body is just heavenly. But Mark is definitely waiting. Quickly put on my clothes, which consisted of a cozy sweater and jogging pants. Arriving in the living room, I saw Mark putting some snacks on the coffee table.
»Ehh should I help?«
»No you can sit down«
I quickly grabbed a pillow and a cozy blanket and sat far away, actually at the other end of the couch.

»I hope you're done with everything now that I'm about to start the movie«
The first half hour actually went quite well without any jumpscares, but after that it was downhill. One jump scare after another. I'm having a heart attack here while Mark is just laughing, nothing scares this guy!?
Suddenly I don't remember what exactly was in the film, but I jumped up and gave a short»AHHH«

»You were afraid of that? You really are a little baby« laughed Mark while eating popcorn.»Tss, I'm not a baby, anyone would have been scared if they weren't as callous as you are« I fired back.

Silence. dead silence.

»Oh yeah I'm callous?«Mark asked me directly.

Oh god I'm dead

»I think you deserve to die, A TICKLING DEATH«
wait what, tickling death?
Before I could think any further, Mark was at my side and started tickling me.

//After Haechan begged with tears in his eyes for Mark to stop//

»Grab your pillow and your blanket and lie down near me, I'll protect you if something tries to attack us« Mark told me amusedly while he lay down himself again and started the film.
I grabbed everything, found a comfortable place and spread everything out. Luckily, the scary scenes were over. I noticed after a while that my eyes were getting heavier and that I was slowly falling asleep.

//After Haechan got some sleep//

OHH I must have fallen asleep, the film is already over but Mark was still lying there. Does he sleep? I tried to get up to go to my bed, which is a lot more comfortable than the couch, but that didn't go well as suddenly hands were around my waist, gently pulling me towards Mark's torso.

»Haechan, it's more comfortable here« whispered Mark, half asleep.
Should I really lie here... It's comfortable...What do I have to lose?...
As I was trying to go back to sleep, Mark suddenly wrapped his arms around me, woah. Why do I like it, it's probably normal that my heart is beating so loud...

I've already found my 'Jisung' only in female and not so tall-🍀

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