[8]The excursion.

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»JOOO HAECHAN, GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED« Why do I always get woken up so rudely, why do I deserve it..


//Timeskip Haechan getting ready//
Is Valentine's Day such a special day?
Why is it celebrated, what's special about it, you're just showing that you have a partner and you're happy while reminding others that you're single. The worst thing is all the decoration, balloons and such crap.
On the way to the cafeteria we met Renjun and his roommate Minghao.
»Hey guys, what do you think of all the decorations?« Minghao asked us.

»I like it, the colors, the atmosphere, everything« Renjun enthused.
»Of course, you have 2 boyfriends who give you really good presents« I fired back.
»EYYY, it's not about that«
Johnny looked at me in surprise and just shrugged his shoulders.

//Timeskip finished eating, in the classroom//
»Good morning class«
»Good morning, Mr. Lee«
»Before we start the lesson, the Valentine's Day cards will be handed out by our hard-working student Shotaro«

I have never seen this boy, he looks very young and really cute. He should be at least 2 grades below me. I watched him as he walked around dealing the cards.

I noticed that Johnny got a lot, but he only looked at one card.
And of course our little Renjunie most likely got two from his two lovers.
Quite a few didn't get cards, like me.

//After school//
Johnny and I were making our way to our room when we heard footsteps.
»HEYYY!!I have to ask you something«
Renjun came to us out of breath.
»What's the matter little one?«
»Since it's the weekend, I wanted to ask you guys if you'd like to come to a beach party? We'd all be leaving tonight and staying at a beach house together«
»I'm sorry guys but I don't have time, I have to do my private lessons« Johnny said very quickly.
»Oh shame«
»And you, Haechan?«
»I um, who's coming with me?«
»Me, Jeno, Jaemin and Mark«
Mark..who bullies children?!
»I don't know anyone but you, I'd rather stay here« I tried to save myself.
»You're in the way«

I hadn't even noticed that suddenly Chenle was standing behind us.
»CHENLE!!! I need you to come to a beach party please!«
»Hmm, why not«
»Haechan, are you coming with me now? Chenle is now also there«
It looks like he really cares, I nodded.
Cute how Renjun then smiled.
He quickly told us the time when we should be in front of the residential building and then we went upstairs to pack our bags.

//Timeskip //
»See you Sunday, Johnny!«
»BYE, Haechanie«
I made my way outside. As I realized with a start, I was the last one.

» I still have one question, we can never drive in a car?« Chenle asked suspiciously. He looked like he was about to go back up to his room.

»I thought I'd go with Jeno and Jaemin and you two would go with Mark« Renjun presented his plan.
It was actually clear that this would happen, of course he wants to drive with his two lovers.
Chenle doesn't look enthusiastic at all, but he didn't argue.

Noremin, the shipname of the three, went to Jeno's car together because he was driving.

»You two follow me, my driver is already waiting for us«
So this Mark started, Chenle's look just said 'I can't take it anymore', to be honest I have the same thought.

Once in the car, Chenle sat next to me and we both listened to music.
I didn't even notice Chenle staring at me.
»HUH, what's up, Chenle?«
»We're almost there, what are you looking at so depressed?«
Chenle and his 'great' sayings.

//Timeskip arrived at the beach house//

»The room allocation will be determined before we go in« Mark stated. »Me and Jeno share one room and the four of you the other, no arguments«

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