[3] First Day is finished.

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I was suddenly woken up by a loud noise, it was 6am when I looked at my phone.

There was only one person who could make loud noises and that was Johnny, my roommate. But what is he doing at 6 o'clock in the morning?

I sighed deeply and decided to see what Johnny was doing. I got up and went to the bathroom as that was where the noise was coming from.

»Hey Johnny, what are you making so much noise so early, we only have school a little before 8?«I asked him, still half asleep, without looking at what he was doing.

»Sorry bro, but this face needs a beauty routine or how do you think I look so hot without grooming it?« Johnny said a little snootily» If you want I can help you with your face too?«

Did that guy just insult my face?»Well, it doesn't matter« I thought to myself at first.

When Johnny still wasn't out of the bathroom after 10 minutes, I shooed him out because I wanted to take a shower. I took a little too much time as Johnny said»» Go ahead, we have to be there in 10 minutes!« and it takes us 8 minutes to run to the school building.

From then on everything went at high speed, I dried myself quickly, I didn't have time for my hair anymore, I quickly put my things on and then I grabbed my backpack and ran.
Johnny, who was still waiting for me, ran into me.

We had Chinese for the first lesson when we both arrived the bell rang. No one seemed to mind that we came so close, so we quickly took our seats. Johnny, who didn't have a seat yet, found an empty table next door to a little boy who had dark hair.

The Teacher Mr. Dong (who is also our class teacher) said that we should talk to our neighbors at the table in Chinese.

I turned sideways and saw a white haired boy looking at me and saying "Hello".

We talked a lot and I found out that his name is Chenle and he is 16 years old.

The time went by so fast it was almost the end of the lesson. »So, you're new to the class this year, aren't you?« Chenle suddenly asked me» Yes« I replied, a little overwhelmed.

»Cool« was all he said as he packed up his stuff and left, I hadn't noticed that the doorbell had already rung.

After I finished packing my stuff, Johnny came up to me and asked me if we could go to chemistry together. On the way there we both told each other who we were talking to.

I told him about Chenle and he talked to the little boy named Renjun »You have to meet Renjun he is so cute, you melt when he laughs or smiles«Johnny enthused »And he asked me if we had breakfast with someone else later during the breakfast break«

»I'm glad you've found a new friend already« I said a little sadly as I didn't expect to have to eat alone on my first break, but I'm really glad Johnny has found a new friend already.

»Eyy Haechanie don't look so sad, of course you can come with me, as if I'm going without my buddy!« he said with a smile.

Wow! Ididn't expect that, I'm really lucky to have a friend like Johnny who doesn't leave me behind when he finds other friends.

Before I could reply anything, we were already in front of the chemistry room. The lesson ended quite relaxed and quickly, the teacher Mr. Kim was also really relaxed, I could never remember so much in one lesson.

Johnny was looking forward to the food and to Renjun.

I hope Renjun is really as nice as Johnny claims and also Renjun's friend. »Come Haechan! We don't want to be late and I'm hungry!« Johnny urged me while I was still packing my school things.

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