[2] A New Friend.

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Warm rays of sunshine woke me up, I rolled over in my bed, I didn't look at my alarm clock until 8:45, oh I still have enough time.


I overslept, the first lesson starts at 8:50.

I quickly put on some clothes, grabbed my backpack and ran to the school building. I did it in 8 minutes, I even got there before the teacher.

I entered the classroom and saw about 15 students, I was honestly a bit overwhelmed about where to sit, but I saw an empty seat in the back row by the window, so I went there determinedly. I was terrified that someone would say "EYY, this is my seat" but that didn't happen.

I was about to sit down when the teacher walked in. Everyone went to their places and stood behind their chairs.

» Good morning, class!« said the teacher kindly.

He looked really friendly too, he wasn't
wearing standard clothes like my teachers at the other school like plain shirts.
He's wearing a really stylish suit.

»Good morning, Mr. Dong,« the class says at the same time.
»You can sit down«he said, rummaging in his bag,» so before we start class, I'd like to announce that we have 2 new students this school year, one of whom is an exchange student from Chicago, John Jun Suh, who prefers Wants to be called Johnny«
»Where's Johnny« asked someone unknown.» Johnny called a short while ago and said he'd be a bit late because he was taking the Deutsche Bahn and it was late« Mr. Dong explained to us.

We started laughing.» And the second new student, Lee Dong Hyuck, who is sitting in the back row by the window«. Everyone turned to me instantly. I tried to avoid everyone's eyes, why did the teacher have to introduce me?

» So Lee Dong Hyuck, would you like to introduce yourself?« Mr. Dong asked me.

I don't want to but of course I introduced myself.
»I um so as you already know my name is Lee Dong Hyuck but please call me Haechan and yes I'm 16 years old«I looked at the teacher as "confirmation" that I was done.

That started the first lesson, we were all given our schedule and a club outline and there was a lot of teaching. The class went by very quickly, the Teacher told us it was the only class that day. Just as I was about to leave the room, Mr. Dong called me over.

»Haechan, in case you don't already know, Johnny will be your roommate so I'm asking you to give him the schedule and everything else.«With that he let me go.

So this Johnny is my roommate, hmm, hopefully he's pleasant and correct, I don't fancy such a spoiled rich kid.

So what do I do now? I'll probably go back to my room first and put all the things away, maybe this Johnny is already there too?

I was on my way to my room when I saw boxes at the bottom of the stairs! IS HE THERE!?

At that very moment a boy came down the stairs. How should I describe him? He had light brown curly hair and was wearing an olive green jacket.

A crop top in rainbow colors and a Skirt?! OH WOW, not that I think it's bad when males wear something like that, but I haven't seen many with such a style.

» Um hello? Could you please tell me where room 007 is?» the boy asked confidently, not afraid to ask a stranger anything.

Still in complete shock from his outfit, I replied» Uh, yes, I can help you, I actually know exactly where it is because I'm your roommate«

I don't know why, but there's something about him that doesn't make me shy about it.

Johnny gasped» WAIT! So you are Haechan! Hey buddy what's up« I just nodded, so that was the end of this conversation for now. Do you want me to help him carry his boxes upstairs?

With a box in both hands, we made our way to the room, when I got there I put the boxes in front of it because I had to look for the key first. Johnny did the same and waited.

While I was rummaging in my bag, two boys suddenly came towards us. »EYY, PUT THE FUCKING BOXES AWAY FROM HERE THIS IS A HALLWAY AND NOT A STORAGE ROOM, YOU FUCKING GAY GUY« one of them yelled at Johnny.

We were both in complete shock as the two walked on, I continued to face the door, still looking for the key, after a few seconds I found it and unlocked it. Johnny and I carried his stuff inside in silence.

When everything was in, I started packing my backpack for tomorrow's school supplies. Johnny suddenly asked »Hey Haechan, you don't have anything against gays, do you?«
I looked at him in surprise »No, of course not, I don't care who you like«.
Johnny breathed a sigh of relief. When he finished packing his stuff, I explained the lesson plan to him, that we can choose between several languages ​​which we want to have as a subject, there was Korean,
Japanese and Chinese. We both chose Chinese because we were most interested in the language and the culture.
He asked me to help him hang a Pride flag over his bed, which took a while because one side was always crooked.

After we managed that, we just ordered standard fast food, since the school cafeteria was already closed. I was listening to music and Johnny was on his phone, after dinner we got ready for bed, Johnny's sleepwear looked WOW!

We both died laughing because Johnny walked a catwalk from the bathroom to his bed.

When we were finally in bed, he asked » We're friends now, aren't we?«
»Of course we're friends« I replied, already half asleep. I have my first friend, I thought happily.
With this happy thought I fell asleep.

Another chapter done!

How did you like it?
What do you think of Johnny?
Do you think the two will get along?

I hope you enjoy the story so far, enjoy the next chapter!🍀

CampingVan(Markhyuck/English) Where stories live. Discover now