[6] Something Surprising.

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What the hell is wrong with my head? I only remember small fragments from last night.

»So, do you have a nice headache?«
How is it that Johnny is in such a good mood? Didn't he drink as much as I did?
»Buddy, get your ass up, Renjun just brought us coffee so drink before it gets cold«

Before taking the coffee from Johnny's hand, I put on a t-shirt as I had apparently slept without one.
I sat on the edge of my bed and sipped my coffee.
God did that well.
After I finished drinking my coffee I decided to take a shower because I smelled like alcohol.

//After showering//
I had just taken off my clothes when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
»Hey buddy, Renjun was just here asking us if we could go to the cafeteria together?«
»Of course!«

//Timeskip in the cafeteria//
I ordered toast with scrambled eggs for breakfast while the other two ate cornflakes.
I had just finished my last bite of scrambled eggs when suddenly Renjun yelled »JAEMIN COME HERE!«
A tall blond boy came up to us.
He looked from Johnny to me and said laughing »You both look like shit«
»EY who do you think you are to tell me I LOOK SHIT!?«
Johnny yelled at the blond boy.

»Well my name is Jaemin and my friends say I'm an arrogant asshole which I can only confirm, nice to meet you«
OK, that was very direct.
Johnny looked very surprised while Renjun just stared at Jaemin, not in any way shocked or surprised.
»Thank you again for helping me yesterday« Renjun said as he sipped the milk from the cornflakes.
»No problem cutie«
Cute how Renjun blushed.
After a while Jaemin said goodbye as he still had something to do.
I decided to lie down again as the headache was getting worse.
The other two understood and said they would check on me later.
I exited the cafeteria through the back entrance as this route was faster than taking the correct route. When I got outside, I suddenly saw Jaemin leaning against a container behind the cafeteria.
I thought he was up to something, but actually it's none of my business.
Before I could start walking, a boy walked up to Jaemin, pulled him close and KISSED HIM!
I have to get out of here, it's way too private.
I quietly opened the door again and quickly scooted to my room.

//20 minutes later//
»Haechanie are you sleeping?« asked a soft voice.
»No, you can come in Injunie«
»Are you feeling a little better now? I was in the medical room to get you headache pills« Renjun said worriedly

I assured him I was better. He seemed relieved. Before he could leave I decided to tell him about what happened earlier as this confused me a bit?»Do you actually know if Jaemin likes boys?« I asked him cautiously
» Well, I don't know but why?« »Well, I saw something very interesting earlier«
So I told him everything I had seen. Renjun stared at me in shock and could only say "Wow".
»I know Jaemin would be the last person I would have expected that from« Renjun just stares straight ahead, I don't know if he even notices that I'm talking to him.»Um, Renjun, is everything ok?« I asked while tapping him, not liking the way he was staring straight ahead, kinda sad.
He just gave me a puzzled look while I repeated my question.
»Of course everything's fine, I was just a little surprised, um, I'll go now, I have to get something for our art teacher Mr. Hwang from the art room« he said goodbye.
Hmm, but now he was in a weird mood.

Then I had a great idea, if I would help him now, maybe we could do something together, maybe play basketball, that would definitely improve his mood!
I have to say sometimes I'm a genius.

//Arrived at the art room//
I finally found the damn room! I was about to step inside when I heard Renjun cry. WHO DOES ANYTHING TO POOR RENJUN?! Shortly before storming in I heard two other voices, it must be Jaemin and Jeno. WHAT DO THE TWO OF RENJUN WANT? I thought about what to do if I went in, maybe Jeno would crush me, that guy is a machine.
I realized I couldn't hear anything anymore so I decided to peek into the room, luckily the door was ajar!

OK! This is very, very private!
The two took turns kissing Renjun who seemed to like it as I heard him whimper »more please«
The other two smiled at each other before either could kiss Renjun again, Jaemin whispered something in Jeno's ear.

Fuck! Jaemin has turned around completely surprisingly and is now staring straight at me, he quickly came to the door and said »You don't have to worry about your little friend, we take good care of him, but make sure he doesn't strain his legs too much actually his whole body will hurt a lot« he whispered, smiling.

I just stared at him, did he just tell me that the three of them together... ? Oh god, I don't want to imagine that!
»Now please go, we need our rest, but don't forget, what you saw here you will keep to yourself, otherwise it will end badly for you«
With that he closed the door.
OK wow, I have to process that now.
Renjun, Jeno and Jaemin appear to be in a relationship together now. That's just wow!I think I'll go get a nap to process everything.

//Haechan slept for a while until he heard something outside in the hallway//

I always get woken up.bI hope the person has a very good reason!
I walked out into the hallway and who do I see Renjun looking like he's having some trouble walking. Well, not only Renjun was in the hallway, the other two were with him too.

»Can I help you?«I asked idiotically. Renjun looked at me in shock while Jeno just stared at me. »Could you please take Renjun to his room, we both have an AG« Of course, I helped Renjun to his room. As he lay down on his bed, he said »Please don't say anything«
»I already know that the three of you have something in common, so everything is fine, I support you!«
He looked at me like I just announced the end of the world.» What how«
I told him how I found out.
» Oh God!« Renjun looked like he was about to die.
» You look like shit by the way«I said laughing to make the situation a little more comfortable.
»Oh yeah, how do you think you'd look after two machines...«
»OK, I don't want to hear anything specific« I interrupted him
»Is Haechanie afraid of the word...«
»OK I think I'll go now then«

Right as I said that, his roommate walked in, introducing himself as Minghao. I closed the door of their room and looked at my phone, I had been talking to Renjun for a really long time.
Suddenly I heard someone shout my name.

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