[10.1] Chenji Special.

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*Chenle view*

//In the hotel at the reception//
»Thank you, have a nice evening«

Jisung thanked him very kindly.
Jisungie is always very friendly and he always has such a cute smile.
I mumbled a quick thank you as well, then grabbed my holdall.
»Follow me, I'll show you our room« but before he started he took my hand in his. At first I didn't like being in public, I told him that and he respected it and then stopped doing it.
But after a while I missed it? I just wanted to feel his presence again.
But I couldn't just tell him that.
So when we saw each other at some point, I took his hand.
Jisungie just gave me a shocked look and squeezed my hand, but didn't say anything, which I wanted to do.

In the room I really noticed how expensive everything looks here, it's definitely a 5 star hotel...
Oh Jisungie...

»Jisung this is definitely a 5 star hotel, how could you afford it?«
»I saved and took some of my previous savings«
»Jisungie you know that I don't want that, I have a lot more money than you, I don't want you to spend your money, I have enough for both of us«
»Like a sugar daddy kind of thing?« he slipped out.
»Oh, so that's how you see me? Then I'd be happy to be your sugar daddy from now on«
I hadn't seen myself like that before, but I like the idea.

»Woah but can we watch a movie?« asked Jisung, who probably wanted to divert attention from the topic or rather wanted to enjoy the time.

»Yes of course, but first I have to say a big thank you to you for everything« I said while smiling at him.
»Come here, don't you want your reward?«
»Of course!« he quickly contradicted.
»Then follow me« I commanded.

Jisung, of course, followed him.
And where?
In the bedroom of course.

CampingVan(Markhyuck/English) Where stories live. Discover now