The Staff

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Cole and Zane entered the temple. Zane lit up his eyes to provide light as they walked through the dark hallways. 

"Uh Zane, do you know where we are going," asked Cole as Zane navigated through the temple.

"Of course, I do, why do you ask?" responded Zane, as he still kept making random lefts and rights.

"Oh no reason," said Cole. 

The two walked in silence until they reached the main room that held the staff. But the staff was nowhere to be seen. there was a circle in the middle that probably held the staff. Zane and Cole looked around the room to find a way to lift the staff. The room was big with four spots that held each of the main protectors' elements. Zane and Cole went to their respective spots. The spots glowed a bright green, while the other empty spots showed a dark red. 

"It seems that the staff will not reveal itself without all four of us." analyzed Zane. 

"And why is that?" question Cole. 

"Because if one of us were to turn evil and come for the staff, we would be able to use it for evil. The four protectors have to compromise their opinions to be able to take the staff." Zane explained. Cole seemed to have gotten it. 

"Well looks like we have to alert Kai and Jay to meet us in here." sighed Cole. 

"But wasn't Jay getting chased by the Oni queen Alstrianda?" inquired Zane. 

"Maybe he can circle back and run into the temple before she does, when he enters, she won't be able to enter the temple," said Cole. 

"But then when we get out, she would be able to take the staff back," added Zane. 

"We should tell them what we've found out so far and then discuss plans after we get the staff," Cole suggested. "We are wasting time; the others are probably wondering what took us so long." 

"I will send a message." Zane stopped moving for a moment signaling that he was sending a message to Master Wu. 


Jay was running as fast as he could using his lightning to travel almost as fast as light itself. Still, it wasn't enough for the Oni queen. She was a few meters behind Jay, and she showed no signs of slowing down. Jay on the other hand was starting to get tired. He had been running for hours at this point and was out of breath. If he ran any longer, he would pass out. He heard a body behind him drop to the ground. He ran a few meters forward before he heard something. More like someone. 


The voice called out to him. He didn't want to stop running but his legs were glued in place. He felt himself turning around to the direction of the voice. 

Lloyd stood behind him. All bruises gone and his body back to normal. 

"They did it! They got the staff?" asked Jay. 

"Yes, they did and I'm here now," said Lloyd, stepping closer to Jay. The two embraced. 

"It's good to have you back buddy." Said Jay once they separated. Jay felt different though. As if something apart of him was missing. He looked down at his hands and then back at Lloyd. Lloyd's face fell into a devilish smirk. Lloyd's eyes were not green. 

They were purple. 

The color of a shape shifting Oni. 

That Oni was Alstrianda and she had just stolen Jay's powers. 

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