Why are you sleeping?

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Harumi's Pov

"What are you doing on this ship," The red one, Kai asked. His face was turning as red as his gi. If this was a tv show, then I bet steam would be coming out of his ears. 

Since he is the master of fire can he make steam come out of his ears? I laugh at that thought.

"What are you laughing at?" The one with freckles said. I seriously spent a couple of weeks with them but still can't remember their names. Thats hilarious. 

"Nothing just a thought," I say looking them straight in the eye. "And to answer your previous question, I'm doing the same thing as everyone else here. Seeking refugee from a villain." 

I hear Lloyd mumbling something to himself. "What was that you said, Lloyd?" I said sweetly.

"I said, Well, you aren't like everyone else, are you?" Lloyd said staring me down. I seriously just realized the height difference. Man is he tall. Or maybe I'm just short. Either way, he is way taller than me. 

"What?" I said a hint of annoyance escaping my voice.

"Well, you aren't like everyone else here. You're a villain, a villain who killed lots of people just because you lost your parents. Sure, that's pretty traumatizing. I would know it's happened to me multiple times. But do you see me resurrecting some dark evil lord that has no heart and only seeks vengeance?" Said Lloyd. When I didn't respond he said, " I didn't think so." 

"To be honest you are pretty lucky to be on this ship right now. If I didn't have to stop a mass destruction army trying to destroy Ninjago. I would have dropped you right into kryptarium prison." Lloyd said staring at me with a wicked grin on his face. If he wasn't threatening me at the moment, I would have found it hot. 

"Speaking of kryptarium we have to go collect my father since apparently he's the only one who know how to stop this." Lloyd says as he turns around to face the rest of the ninja. 

When the rest of the ninja start walking away Lloyd stops and turns around to speak with me once more. 

'Not like he's already insulted me enough' I think to myself.

"And you better not start some crazy cult when we leave you alone," Lloyd says as he crosses his arms. "And if you do... you will not like what i would do to you."

I almost laughed at the thought of Lloyd torturing someone. Man is way too nice to do that. 

"ha-ha, I won't cause you any trouble," I say playfully. 

"Good that we got that clear." he responds coldly and with that he walks away to go and join the rest of the ninja.


Lloyds Pov

I can't believe that little witch is on this boat. Who even saved her? Maybe she hopped on when we weren't paying attention.

I guess my thoughts were taking all my attention because Kai had to scream in my ear to tell me that they loaded all the people off at the monastery and were now heading to kryptarium. 

"Hey. Are you okay?" Nya asks me when I recover from the shock Kai gave me when he screamed in my ear. 

"Yup totally find right now. Especially after I found out the girl who played with my heart resurrected my father and got crushed by a building is still alive." I say sarcastically. "Why wouldn't I be fine? I've gone through way worse."

Nya's face shifted into a motherly worry. "Oh Lloyd, just because you've gone through worse doesn't mean you can't express your emotions. If the person I loved did that, I would be really angry. And you know how I get when I'm angry."

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