The Voice

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"Aww look at my boy so adorable," Misako said as she clicked the camera several times. Misako had come in at 7:00 am while Harumi and Lloyd were still sleeping. Harumi is currently making breakfast, but Lloyd is still asleep because he had multiple dragon attacks at night. 

Lloyd shifted his sleep trying to move away from the camera flashes. Misako laughed as she set down the camera. She walked over to Lloyd and kissed him on the forehead. Lloyd smiled a bit but stayed asleep. Misako grabbed a brush from Lloyd's side table and began slowly brushing his hair. Misako loved Lloyd's long hair, she loved the color and texture of it. 

Lloyd's eyes flutter open, he looked up at his mom.

"Mom?" Lloyd asked as he held up his hand to yawn. "What are you doing here?"

Misako set down the brush, "I called you yesterday staying I'd be here tomorrow, did you forget?"

Lloyd scratched his head, "But it's so early, I didn't think you would be here at 7:00 am," 

"I just didn't want you to get into any more trouble," Misako said as she smirked, Lloyd playfully rolled his eyes. "And besides if I'm not here who's going to watch over you?"

"Harumi will, that's why she's still here," Lloyd said as he shifted himself into a sitting position. Lloyd looked like he had lost a lot of weight, his skin usually tan skin, was a light grey with spots of yellow all over him. Lloyd had been self-conscious about the way he looked. But his dragon attacks kept on happening and more frequently have didn't have time to think about his appearance.  

"Agh, this is getting annoying," Lloyd said. Misako looked at Lloyd confused. 

"What is-?" Misako stopped speaking when she saw her son glow bright gold. Misako had to leave after Lloyd woke up after he had died. She had some things at work she had to do. So, in short, Misako had never seen this happen to Lloyd. 

"Lloyd what is happening to you?!" Misako exclaimed. Harumi ran in from the kitchen to see what was going on. When she saw it was Lloyd glowing, he calmed down a bit.

"He's just experiencing one of his dragon attacks," Harumi said calmly. "Ever since he had his golden power back the balance between his Oni and dragon side shifted. Making the dragon side stronger." Harumi explained. Misako seemed to calm down a little and Lloyd stopped glowing. 

"Lloyd, how was the pain on a scale of 1-10?" Questioned Harumi. 

"9" Lloyd replied weakly. 

"Oh no," Harumi said. Master Wu had told her once the dragon attacks reached the scale of 10 Lloyd would be in a coma. The pain would be too much for him to bear. If Lloyd stayed in the coma for too long, he would pass. And the balance of Ninjago would shift. Giving the overlord a chance to reappear and take over Ninjago.

"Let's hope the Ninjas are close to finding what we are looking for because the fate of the world is in their hands," Harumi said staring out the window.


"To think it would be easy to find a four-armed man with black skin," Kai complained as they walked around the streets of Ninjago. They had been searching for 5 hours straight without any breaks. It was 3 pm when they finally stopped for a break.

"Kai we've been searching for hours let's take a break," Jay said as he trailed behind Cole. Cole was starving and took this as an opportunity to go to Skylor's noodle place.

"How about we go somewhere to eat, preferably Skylor's noodle place," Cole suggested. He smirked when Kai's face heated up. Skylor was Kai's girlfriend. He and Skylor had just made their relationship ship official a few months ago.

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